Název: Methodology proposal for storage rationalization implementing principles of industry 4.0. In a technology – driven warehouse
Autoři: Zoubek, Michal
Poór, Peter
Broum, Tomáš
Šimon, Michal
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: ZOUBEK, M. POÓR, P. BROUM, T. ŠIMON, M. Methodology proposal for storage rationalization implementing principles of industry 4.0. In a technology – driven warehouse. Transactions of FAMENA, 2020, roč. 44, č. 4, s. 75-98. ISSN 1333-1124.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: Transactions of Famena
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85100985215
ISSN: 1333-1124
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Logistics, Warehouse, Rationalization, Warehouse 4.0, Industry 4.0
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The main topic of the paper is storage rationalization. Specifically, the proposal of a methodology related to the rationalization of storage systems in warehouses of industrial companies. The methodology emphasizes the new concept of Warehouse 4.0, including Industry 4.0 warehouse applications in general. Firstly, the theoretical basis of the paper is described. This part of the paper starts with a description of logistics, Logistics 4.0, warehouse systems, Warehouse 4.0 and modern approaches linked to Industry 4.0 that can be implemented in logistics. Then the factors influencing the effectiveness of the warehouse are summarized – this is original summary in the paper based on the available literature and other sources. After this, storage rationalization and the costs linked to it are described. The first part of the paper ends with a summary of the theoretical basis of the information. The main subject of the paper is explained in the second part of the paper, which concentrates on the proposal of a methodology related to storage rationalization of warehouses in industrial companies. The individual steps are described. The purpose of the paper is to share our approaches firstly about the summarised factors influencing the effectiveness of a warehouse and secondly about the methodology proposal itself. This information may inspire other research institutions to consider aspects of this topic which could be otherwise overlooked.
Práva: © Transactions of Famena
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