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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorŠimandl, Miroslav
dc.contributor.authorŠiroký, Jan
dc.description.abstractThe dissertation thesis deals with the constrained optimization based approach to active fault detection and control (AFDC) of dynamical systems. The thesis addresses three main goals. The first goal is to define a general AFDC framework for stochastic discrete time dynamic system. The AFDC framework covers previously published formulations of AFDC as well as newly introduced formulations. The AFDC problems are defined as constrained optimization problems. The second goal is to derive a solution of AFDC problems. The optimal solution can be derived for a small subset of AFDC problems. Therefore, the focus is laid on a numerically tractable suboptimal solution for a practically important subclass of AFDC problems. The third goal of the thesis is to demonstrate the proposed AFDC framework. Basic properties of the proposed AFDC framework are illustrated by simple numerical examples. Main advantages of the proposed AFDC framework are demonstrated by a complex example, where the goal is simultaneous AFDC of an air handling unit.cs
dc.format87 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectactive fault detectioncs
dc.subjectoptimal controlcs
dc.subjectconstrained optimizationcs
dc.titleAktivní detekce poruch a řízenícs
dc.title.alternativeActive fault detection and controlen
dc.typedisertační prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta aplikovaných vědcs
dc.description.departmentKatedra kybernetikycs
dc.thesis.degree-programAplikované vědy a informatikacs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe dissertation thesis deals with the constrained optimization based approach to active fault detection and control (AFDC) of dynamical systems. The thesis addresses three main goals. The first goal is to define a general AFDC framework for stochastic discrete time dynamic system. The AFDC framework covers previously published formulations of AFDC as well as newly introduced formulations. The AFDC problems are defined as constrained optimization problems. The second goal is to derive a solution of AFDC problems. The optimal solution can be derived for a small subset of AFDC problems. Therefore, the focus is laid on a numerically tractable suboptimal solution for a practically important subclass of AFDC problems. The third goal of the thesis is to demonstrate the proposed AFDC framework. Basic properties of the proposed AFDC framework are illustrated by simple numerical examples. Main advantages of the proposed AFDC framework are demonstrated by a complex example, where the goal is simultaneous AFDC of an air handling unit.en
dc.title.otherAktivní detekce poruch a řízenícs
dc.subject.translatedactive fault detectionen
dc.subject.translatedoptimal controlen
dc.subject.translatedconstrained optimizationen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Disertační práce / Dissertations (KKY)

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thesis.pdfPlný text práce1,83 MBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
posudky-odp-siroky.pdfPosudek oponenta práce3,01 MBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít
protokol-odp-siroky.pdfPrůběh obhajoby práce886,22 kBAdobe PDFZobrazit/otevřít

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