Title: Line-Torus Intersection for Ray Tracing: Alternative Formulations
Authors: Skala, Václav
Citation: WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2013, vol. 12, is. 7, p. 288-297.
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: WSEAS
Document type: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/11328
ISSN: 1109-2750
Keywords: počítačová grafika;ořezávání přímky
Keywords in different language: computer graphics;line clipping
Abstract: Intersection algorithms are very important in computation of geometrical problems. Algorithms for a line intersection with linear or quadratic surfaces are quite efficient. However, algorithms for a line intersection with other surfaces are more complex and time consuming. In this case the object is usually closed into a simple bounding volume to speed up the cases when the given line cannot intersect the given object. In this paper new formulations of the line-torus intersection problem are given and new specification of the bounding volume for a torus is given as well. The presented approach is based on an idea of a line intersection with an envelope of rotating sphere that forms a torus. Due to this approach new bounding volume can be formulated which is more effective as it enables to detect cases when the line passes the “hole” of a torus, too.
Rights: Original article published under © 2013 WSEAS
Appears in Collections:Články / Articles (KIV)

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