Diplomové práce / Theses (KPO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 488
Hronová, Kateřina
Postavení a úloha státního zástupce v civilním procesu

The topic of the Diploma thesis is "The position and role of the public prosecutor in civil proceedings". The aim of the thesis was to emphasize the importance of the topic at hand and to provide a comprehensive summary of the role of the public prosecutor ...

Štůla, Gabriel
Nároky poškozených podle OZ

The topic of this thesis is the claims of victims under Law No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code. The thesis can be divided into three main parts. The first theoretical part deals with key concepts such as the notion of damage and non-pecuniary injury, but also the...

Mudrová, Andrea
Příprava jednání

This thesis deals with the preparation of the hearing in the Czech legal system as an important phase of the civil procedure. The aim of the thesis is to comprehensively describe the current legal regulation of the preparation of the hearing with an emphasis on its i...

Kačer, Ondřej
Vzájemná práva a povinnosti advokáta a klienta

The topic of this thesis is mutual rights and obligations in the relationship between attorney and client. This topic is current these days, especially because the number of people who turn to a lawyer for legal aid nowadays is much higher than in the past. At the&#x...

Zapotilová, Karolína
Přístup soudů ke střídavé péči

The subject of this thesis is the approach of courts to alternate car . The thesis deals with the analysis of the decisions of the general courts and important judgments of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic concerning the issue of entrusting children to alter...

Drbohlavová, Eliška
Výkon rodičovské odpovědnosti před a po rozvodu manželství

This diploma thesis deals with the execution of parental responsiblity before and after divorce. The aim of this diploma thesis is to outline this issue in the light of current legislation and case law. The first chapter deals with the institute of parental responsiblity and&#...

Halgašová, Lenka
Oprávněné nároky poškozených z PPOV a HAV

This diploma thesis deals with legitimate claims of injured persons from the responsibility insurance for damage caused by a vehicle and from the all-risks car insurance, i.e. in particular about what rights we have in the event of a traffic accident or other insured events.&#...

Formánková, Milena
Rozvod manželství s mezinárodním prvkem

In my diploma thesis I deal with the topic of divorce of marriage with an international element. In this issue, I mainly devote to the legal regulation of international divorce not only in the Czech Republic, but also in other European or Islamic countries. I compare ...

Georgiev, Dan
Vyvlastnění a omezení vlastnického práva

This thesis is focused on expropriation, limitation of property rights and their current legal regulation. This work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the historical development of interventions in property rights mainly in the first half of...

Horáková, Martina
Právo stavby

The focus of the thesis is the right to build, the right in rem to another's property, enabling the establishment of a building on the land by a person other than the owner of the land. This legal institute was re-integrated into Czech law by Act No. 8...

Patíková, Markéta

Diploma thesis is focused on intellectual property rights and licences. First chapter is about industry property rights, copyright rights and their differences. Second chapter is about licenses in general, definition of the term and its characteristics. Third chapter is about the purpose...

Holmanová, Karolína
Srovnání nákladů exekučního a insolvenčního řízení

The topic of this diploma thesis is a comparison of the costs of execution and insolvency proceedings. The diploma thesis is divided into six chapters, with the first chapter focusing on execution proceeding, including the position of the bailiff. The following chapter is devoted&#...

Podlešáková, Kristýna
Postavení notáře v českém právním řádu

The diploma thesis focuses on the question of the status of notary in the Czech legal order. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the issue, and specifically to the person of the notary and his position. The thesis also deals with the activities of&#...

Pour, Vojtěch
Předběžné opatření

This thesis deals with the topic of interim measures, which is a protective institute by which the court temporarily regulates the circumstances of a party on its application. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the issues of damage and other harm caused by the order of in...

Klečková, Nikola

The aim of this thesis is to provide the most comprehensive possible interpretation of the legal issues related to maternity. To analyze the current legal regulation and to point out the shortcomings that are related to this topic. The definition of the determination of matern...

Staněk, Vít
Zrušení a vypořádání podílového spoluvlastnictví

The diploma thesis focuses on the cancellation and settlement of co-ownership. The aim of the thesis is to analyse cases when one of the co-owners decides to leave the relationship. The thesis consists of an introduction, 7 parts and a conclusion. In the first part, the&#...

Kuboková, Eliška
Zásah do integrity nezletilého

The thesis deals with the issue of interference with the integrity of a minor and touches upon most of the related institutes. The introductory chapters deal with general concepts such as personality, personal rights, and the related inviolability of the person. Furth...

Pěkná, Sabina
Dědické tituly

The diploma thesis deals with inheritance titles regulated in the Civil Code. The aim of the thesis is a comprehensive introduction to the legal regulation of inheritance titles and at the same time a comparison of their possible pitfalls, which may have a direct impact o...

Lošonská, Tereza
Právo jednotlivce znát svůj genetický původ

This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the individual's right to know his genetic origin. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the legal aspects of the individual's right to know their genetic origin and to consider whether this right is sufficiently ...

Spoustová, Adéla
Způsob a rozsah náhrady nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví a při usmrcení

This thesis focuses on Method and extent of compensation for non - material damage in the event of health injury and death. The aim of this work is to try to explain a civil legislation of a compensation for for non - material damage in the event of health&...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 488