Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 37 z 37
Treichelová, Denisa
Zaměstnanec, jeho právní osobnost a svéprávnost

This bachelor thesis deals with legal personality of employees in labour law. In the beginning discusses the concept of subject of law and legal personality of natural persons. Further deals with relationship between civil law and labour law. Discusses the inclusion of labour law&#...

Ledvinová, Eva
Pracovní smlouva a vznik pracovního poměru

This bacherol thesis deals with in first part deals of employment relationship and in next parts of employment contract. Employment relationship arises between employer and employees, who have rights and obligations. This ration arises, when both parties agree. Employment contract is most&#x...

Piklová, Barbora
Smrt zaměstnance a pracovněprávní důsledky

Labour law regulates the end of occupational relationship. Also the death of an employee belongs between the ways of ending occupational relations. Death of an employee can also occur by occupational accident or disease from occupation. An employer has an obligation to eliminate th...

Táborská, Simona
Pracovněprávní vztahy mladistvých zaměstnanců

In my bachelor thesis I focus on young employees, their protection in labour relations and special work conditions. I also outlined practical instructions and professional practice of high school graduates in the end.

Kabátová, Lenka
Úřad práce jako plátce dávek nepojistných systémů sociálního zabezpečení

The subject of my bachelor thesis is the role of the Labour Office in non-insurance social benefits. The main goal of the thesis was to provide a comprehensive overview of non-insurance social benefits, their characteristics, the comparison of the current legislation with the legis...

Podávka, Michal
Zpracovávání osobních údajů v pracovněprávních vztazích

This thesis deals with problems of personal data processing in labour relations. The introductory chapters define the basic terms using in thesis, the great emphasis is also placed to overview of legislation in which the matter is regulated. It explains the most important emp...

Mikešová, Miroslava
Dávky pěstounské péče

The main aime of my bachelor thesis on the topic of foster care benefits is the analysis of the valid family law and foster care. Another topic is the family and its functions. Because from this point of wiev the functionality of family is very important. If&#x...

Gajová, Monika
Pracovněprávní postavení osob pečující o dítě

This work points out on changes in parents rights in accordance with a labor law. Those changes depend on children age, society changes and conditions of job market. Three main aims will be followed. First of all it is to bring a complex picture of tools which m...

Menclová, Eliška
Právní postavení agentur práce

In my work I explain basic concepts related to agency employment. I looked at the development of temporary agency work from the beginning to the present. I compared the legislation in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Of course, I mentioned sources of law related to...

Albl, Sebastián
Diskriminace zdravotně postižených v oblasti výkonu závislé práce

In this work I analyze the problem of employment discrimination against people with disabilities. I lay out the basic definitions of discrimination, its division and forms. The most important legal documents that contain legislation concerning discrimination are presented. I describe the way...

Šípková, Ivana
Pracovní právo v kontextu evropského mezinárodního práva soukromého

Bachelor thesis deals with the status of foreigners in national labour law as well as in the European law. Part of the thesis is devoted to determining the applicable law in conflicts which may arise from labour relations with an international element.

Vacikarová, Petra
Pracovní doba a práce přesčas

The aim of this thesis is the analysis of working hours and overtime in accordance with the Labour Code and subsequent analysis in the field of transport. Working hours in the transport sector, however, is very problematic, so the goal of this chapter is to define th...

Kocánková, Petra
Cizí prvek v pracovněprávních vztazích

Thesis deals with the specific area of labor relations, it is the legislation of labor relations with a foreign element. First, briefly defines key concepts of work focusing on individual components of labor relations, furthermore foreign element, criteria and the sources of law re...

Haunerová, Sabina
Šikana na pracovišti

The main theme of the work is bullying. Described are the reasons of origin, course, characters, persons, which concerns the bullying and the environment in which the action takes place. Bullying is not just a physical act, but it is also an offence, that is the brok...

Krylová, Adéla
Pomoc v hmotné nouzi

The bachelor thesis deals with the system of assistance in material need. This system is focused on people who have deficient incomes and they are not able to satisfy their bare necessities of life. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyse this system based on&#x...

Reis, Jan
Služební poměr

Development and analysis of service ratio

Úlovcová, Petra
Diskriminace na trhu práce

The aim of the study was to provide an overview on the law of non-discrimination. I have dealt with as the law of the Czech Republic, as well as international treaties and European Union law. I focused on the legal regulation of labor market discrimination in the...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 37 z 37