Title: Překlad z oblasti hnutí New Age s komentářem a glosářem
Other Titles: Translation from the Field of New Age Movement with Commentary And Glossary
Authors: Metzová, Karolína
Advisor: Raisová, Eva
Referee: Kobylak, Skyland Václav
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/15135
Keywords: New Age;překlad;Fritjof Capra;teologie;věda;spiritualita
Keywords in different language: New Age;translation;Fritjof Capra;theology;science;spirituality
Abstract: Preklad z oblasti New Age s komentarem a glosarem. Tato prace obsahuje obecnou teorii prekladu, prelozeny text, komentar, sestavaji ze dvou casti (makropohled, mikropohled); glosar s klicovymi pojmy, cast propojujici tema prace se zamerenim autorcina studia a dve prilohy, vychozi text a ilustracni foto prebalu knihy. Tema prekladaneho textu se zameruje na spolecne hranice vedy a teologie (spirituality) a paradigmaticky posun v soucasne spolecnosti.
Abstract in different language: A translation of a text from the field of New Age with a commentary and a glossary. This thesis contains a general theory of translation, translated text, a commentary, consisting of two parts (macroapproach and microapproach); a glossary with keywords, a part which interconnects the topic of the thesis with the topic of the author's study, and two appendixes, the source text and an illustration of the book cover. The topic of the translated text focuses on the common boarders of science and theology (spirituality) and the shift in the current society paradigm.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAJ)

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