Název: Profilace u myší s obezitou indukovanou na základě diety a s diabetem 2. typu po léčbě s metforminem a vildagliptinu a jejich kombinací na základě metabolomické analýzy moči
Urinary metabolomic profiling in mice with diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus after treatment with metformin and vildagliptin and their combination
Autoři: Pelantová, Helena
Bugáňová, Martina
Holubová, Martina
Šedivá, Blanka
Zemenová, Jana
Sýkora, David
Kaválková, Petra
Haluzík, Martin
Železná, Blanka
Maletínská, Lenka
Kuneš, Jaroslav
Kuzma, Marek
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: ZAJÍC, Zbyněk. Smoothing factor in discriminative feature adaptation. In: Studentská Vědecká Konference 2010. [S. n.]: Studentská Vědecká Konference, 2010, s. 57-58.
Datum vydání: 2016
Nakladatel: Elsevier
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/25702
ISSN: 0303-7207
Klíčová slova: NMR metabolomika;myši;obezita;diabetes mellitus 2. typu;moč;léčba diabetu
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: NMR metabolomics;mouse;obesity;type 2 diabetes mellitus;urine;antidiabetic treatment
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Metformin, vildagliptin and their combination are widely used for the treatment of diabetes, but little is known about the metabolic responses to these treatments. In the present study, NMR-based metabolomics was applied to detect changes in the urinary metabolomic profile of a mouse model of diet-induced obesity in response to these treatments. Additionally, standard biochemical parameters and the expression of enzymes involved in glucose and fat metabolism were monitored. Significant correlations were observed between several metabolites (e.g., N-carbamoyl-β-alanine, N1-methyl-4-pyridone-3-carboxamide, N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide, glucose, 3-indoxyl sulfate, dimethylglycine and several acylglycines) and the area under the curve of glucose concentrations during the oral glucose tolerance test. The present study is the first to present N-carbamoyl-β-alanine as a potential marker of type 2 diabetes mellitus and consequently to demonstrate the efficacies of the applied antidiabetic interventions. Moreover, the elevated acetate level observed after vildagliptin administration might reflect increased fatty acid oxidation.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
© Elsevier
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