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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 5 z 5
Calta, Pavel , Šutta, Pavol , Medlín, Rostislav , Netrvalová, Marie
Impact of sublayer thickness and annealing on silicon nanostructures formation in alpha-Si:1-1/alpha-SiNx:H superlattices for photovoltaics

Formation of silicon nanostructures embedded in silicon nitride layers can be of great interest for micro and optoelectronic devices such as non-volatile memories and solar cells. In this work, we synthesized amorphous multilayered a-Si:H/a-SiNx:H superlattice structures with different thickness ...

Mayorga-Martínez, Carmen C. , Sofer, Zdeněk B. , Luxa, Jan , Huber, Štěpán P. , Sedmidubský, David , Brázda, Petr , Palatinus, Lukáš , Mikulics, Martin , Lazar, Petr , Medlín, Rostislav , Pumera, Martin
TAS3 Nanovlákna: vrstvený trichalcogenid pro vysoce-výkonnou elektroniku a senzory

Layered materials, like transition metal dichalcogenides, exhibit broad spectra with outstanding properties with huge application potential, whereas another group of related materials, layered transition metal trichalcogenides, remains unexplored. Here, we show the broad application potential of this interestin...

Moskal, Denys , Martan, Jiří , Lang, Vladislav , Švantner, Michal
Stamp metoda pro zpracování dat s vysokým podílem šumu z infračerveného senzoru v drsném prostředí

This article presents a new digital method, called Stamp method, for elimination of undesired noisedata from a periodic IR signal. The Stamp method is a useful tool for statistical analysis of changes which appear in a noised input signal. One stamp is a statistical image ...

Naseri, Mosayeb , Jalilian, Jaafar , Al-Jaary, Ali H. Reshak
Elektronické a optické vlastnosti pentagonální B2C monovrstvy: výpočet prvních principů

The electronic and optical properties of pentagonal B2C monolayer are investigated by means of the first principles calculations in the framework of the density functional theory. The cohesive energy consideration confirmers the good stability of the B2C nanostructure in this phase.

Honnerová, Petra , Martan, Jiří , Honner, Milan
Stanovení nejistoty ve vysokoteplotní metodě měření spektrální emisivity povlaků

The paper deals with uncertainty analyses of the new laboratory method for the measurement of spectral emissivity of high-temperature coatings. These coatings are intended to increase heat transfer in various industrial applications. The experimental set-up of the method is shortly introduced.&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 5 z 5