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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6
Pešková, Michaela
Sovětská verze nového člověka v proměnách doby

The chapter performs a semiotic and historical discourse analysis of the phenomenon of a new person in Soviet Russia. It typifies the transformation of the construct in relation to the psychoid transformation of the time. It demonstrates the grasp of a new person in artistic&#...

Pešková, Michaela
Ligvistické obory: tvůrčí přístupy ve výuce cizojazyčných reálií

Pešková, Michaela
Hledání jiného: obraz Ruska v současné české beletrii

This paper analyzes the representation of Russia in contemporary Czech serious literature. A group of prose works, whose central theme is Russia, is not too large. We find in them many common elements. Situational factors of storytelling are the same (the dismemberment of the...

Pešková, Michaela
Image of Russia in conterporary serious literature: contrast of identities

This paper analyzes the representation of Russia in contemporary Czech serious literature. Its aim is to trace how artistic literature poeticizes Russian reality and whether it creates contrasting images to the Czech reality from which we can deduce the understanding of the differences&...

Pešková, Michaela
Tři stopy anarchismu v ruské porevoluční próze

Статья исследует развитие анархической мысли в русской послереволюцион- ной литературе. Хотя нельзя говорить о прямом влиянии философии анар- хизма на отдельных писателей , наблюдаются явные типологические сходства, особенно в тех случаях, когда авторы стараются описать свою концепцию но...

Pešková, Michaela
Rol´ cennostej v socrealističeskom tekste

The article analyses the role of values in artistic literary texts of Soviet Socialist Realism. The author concludes that literature of the given literary movement only copied the values of the ruling ideology and functioned as a means of instruction to implement the right soc...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 6 of 6