Číslo 1 (2019) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Zahradnický, Jiří
Pražské jaro, invaze a začátek normalizace ve výtvarném umění. Ohlédnutí za výstavou Anatomie skoku do prázdna v Západočeské galerii v Plzni

Kumpera, Jan
Ohlédnutí za výstavami v Plzni v roce 2019

Řeháček, Karel
18. celostátní archivní konference v Plzni

Kilián, Jan
Mezinárodní konference o edicích historických pramenů v polské Toruni

Kilián, Jan
Radek Fukala, Bitva u Lützenu 16. 11. 1632, České Budějovice: Veduta 2019, 128 stran + 16 stran barevné přílohy. ISBN 978-80-88030-37-9

Morávková, Naděžda
Helena PAVLIČÍKOVÁ, František Mareš. Od fyziologie k filosofii, Praha: Epocha 2017. 358 s. ISBN 978-80-755-7079-6.

Morávková, Naděžda
Igor ZMETÁK (red.), Okno do histórie – Ryba a kláštor. Zborník odborných príspevkov z kultúrno -historického seminára. Trenčín: Trenčínské osvětové středisko, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7092-053-4

Kopecký, Lukáš
Druhý život Martina de Hoeff Huerty

Martin de Hoeff Huerta’s second life – the aim of the paper – is not only to outline Huerta’s so -called second life, but to show how we know very little about his fi rst, real life. It should, hopefully, wake up the discussion and open the way...

Boukalová, Marie
Nižší šlechta v Čáslavském kraji na počátku třicetileté války ve světle berních rejstříků

The paper is focused on the lower nobility, which resided in the Čáslav region at the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War. This region was a place of residence for several mutualy connected noble families. The most numerous were Knights, who infl uenced the re...

Vokurka, Michal
Sasko-lauenburská pansví v době třicetileté války

To obtain a manor in Bohemia during the Thirty Years‘ War was for many aristocrats much easier than to preserve it’s economical (notably agricultural) development. However, in case of aristocracy many mechanisms could be used to prevent large demage caused by war and&#...

Reichl-Ham, Claudia
„15 Wochen lang bey Tag und Nacht von denen Schweden belägert“. Das Tagebuch des Johann Zatočil von Löwenbruck zur Belagerung von Prag durch die Schweden im Jahr 1648 – ein Vergleich

This contribution is intended as an impetus for an international book project under the auspices of the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, with scientists from Austria, the Czech Republic, and Sweden participating. The fi rst part of the project will analyse the (pre-)history and...

Němečková, Eva
Městečko Kožlany za třicetileté války a tamní válečné dozvuky

This article should introduce war events and life during Thirty Years’ War in small rural town Kožlany, part of Chříč dominium. It will briefl y summon town history and basic historical sources of Kožlany. Than it will focus on events in Kožlany in 1620–1654 ...

Kuchařová, Hedvika
Juliana Alžběta Sekerková ze Sedčic, převorka kláštera premonstrátek v Doksanech a spoluautorka válečných pamětí

The essay focuses on the life and activities of Juliana Alžběta Sekerková of Sedčice. She was born 1615 in a noble family, probably non -Catholic. After the death of her parents she entered the Premonstratensian Canonry in Doksany (1636) where she later became prioress (1655)....

Kilián, Jan
Paměti Michela Stüelera (1629–1649) jako zdroj pro historické i jiné vědní disciplíny

Recently, for the fi rst time ever, it has been published to the full extent the memoirs of Michel Stüeler, the burgher of Krupka, from the peak period of the Thirty Years‘ War. The fi elds in which they can fi nd their application are the entire&#x...

Hlaváček, Petr
Čechy v reflexi saského faráře Christiana Lehmanna († 1688)

In the Saxon -Bohemian borderlands or in the Ore Mountains we can identify during the late Middle Ages and Early Modern period a series of processes through which this region was transformed into an interactive cultural landscape whose inhabitants share a common region...

Fukala, Radek , Sláma, Lukáš
Třicetiletá válka a militární aspekty v rámci perspektiv výzkumu

The Thirty Years‘ War was a confl ict that we could follow in various ways. The authors try to present the possibility of researching militarian aspects, by which we try to reveal the internal processes of the war logistics of early modern conflicts.

Čechura, Jaroslav
Dlouhá válka a proměny panství Třeboň (1618–1648)

The study of material is based on the exploitation of very rich accounting materials of Třeboň estate. The fi rst part deals with Třeboň fortress (1610– 1650). The second part with the interaction between army and Třeboň region during Thirty Years’ War in the ...

Burkhardt, Johannes
Böhmen und das Reich im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Interaktionen in neuer Perspektive

With its title reminds the article of the ambiguous relationship between the Bohemian crown lands and the rest of the empire of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation since Emperor Charles IV in the Czech and German historical picture. However, the focal ...

Austová, Ivana
Nobilitační listiny – špehýrka k nahlédnutí do světa nižší šlechty v pobělohorském období

This study tries to introduce changes of nobilitating process in the three decades after publishing renewed establishment and also fi nd the answer who were those people who endeavoured to become a noblemen. Through deeds of elevation we can see people who had to&...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19