Název: Central Europe in the New Millenium: The new great game? US, Russian and Chinese interests and activities in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
Autoři: Cabadová Waisová, Šárka
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: CABADOVÁ WAISOVÁ, Š. Central Europe in the New Millenium: The new great game? US, Russian and Chinese interests and activities in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Revista UNISCI, 2020, č. 54, s. 29-48. ISSN 2386-9453.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: Universidad Compultense Madrid
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85095831126
ISSN: 2386-9453
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Central;Europe;the;New;Millenium;The;new;great;game?;Russian;Chinese;interests;activities;Czechia;Hungary;Poland;and;Slovakia
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: After the fall of communism, Central Europe (CE) was a region with relatively high US interest and support. Washington supported the NATO membership of CE countries, provided financial as well as technical assistance to the region and several American high-positioned political representatives visited the region. However, during the last few years, it is evident that CE is a space where the Russian and Chinese presence and influence have been risen. The present article analyses several questions aiming to scrutinize the Russian and Chinese presence and activities in CE, particularly, when and how Russia and China penetrated into CE, what are the consequences of the rising Russian and Chinese influence and who are the supporters and opponents of Moscow and Beijing in CE. The article concludes that, the main competing actors in CE are Washington and Russia, while China profits from the US-Russia clash. While the US and Russian interests are dominat in security and political issues, China aims to penetrate CE economics.
Práva: Plný text není přístupný.
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