Název: Low-pressure turbine blade leading edge protection using robotic laser cladding technology
Autoři: Vaníček, Ondřej
Chaluš, Michal
Liška, Jindřich
Glusa, Tomáš
Vlasák, Jakub
Vašíčková, Eva
Brom, Karel
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: VANÍČEK, O. CHALUŠ, M. LIŠKA, J. GLUSA, T. VLASÁK, J. VAŠÍČKOVÁ, E. BROM, K. Low-pressure turbine blade leading edge protection using robotic laser cladding technology. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2022, roč. 122, č. 5-6, s. 2543-2559. ISSN: 0268-3768
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: Springer
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85137487593
ISSN: 0268-3768
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: robotics;laser cladding;trajectory planning;erosion protection;verification 3D scanning;material testing
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Low pressure turbine blades are the most erosion-exposed moving parts of the steam turbine. This article brings a detailed overview of an innovative system applying a stellite coating to the leading edge of the steam turbine blades using the robotic laser cladding technology. The system is based on a software that gathers measured data of the shape-specific workpiece from a laser profile scanner, creates a 3D model of the workpiece and generates a set of laser cladding trajectories that are used for the task of robot navigation during the laser cladding process. The navigation algorithm takes the workpiece-specific requirements of the laser cladding process as well as collision avoidance necessities into account. The shape and thickness of the resulting layer of the laser cladded coating alloy is verified by an external 3D scanning system showing the compliance of the system with the requirements as well as a space for future development. The feasibility of the developed method is also verified by multiple material and metallographic tests.
Práva: Plný text je přístupný v rámci univerzity přihlášeným uživatelům.
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature.
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