Název: Effective object sorting technique for developing 3D GUI including translucent objects
Autoři: Kang, Byungkwon
Cho, Sunghee
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: WSCG ’2008: Poster Proceedings: The 16-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS: University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 4-7, 2008, p. 13-16.
Datum vydání: 2008
Nakladatel: Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2008/Papers_2008/poster/!_WSCG2008_Poster_final.zip
ISBN: 978-80-86943-17-6
Klíčová slova: 3D grafika;3D grafické uživatelské rozhraní;real-time vykreslování;alfa míchání;třídění objektů
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: 3D graphics;3D graphical user interface;real-time rendering;alpha blending;object sorting
Abstrakt: In developing a user interface, it is very important to provide usability, intuitiveness and convenience. To accomplish these factors, 3D user interface can be one good solution. Recently, many kinds of embedded devices have been developed and utilized for various areas of human life; for example, Digital TVs, game consoles, MP3 players, etc. A GUI makes these devices easier to use and more effective. But, their poor hardware performances often prevent developing a high quality visual effect on their GUIs. A visual effect using alpha blended object is one of the typical examples of this kind that limits the development of 3D applications on an embedded hardware. In this paper, we propose an effective object sorting technique that can be used to develop a 3D GUI including many translucent objects.
Práva: © Václav Skala - UNION Agency
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:WSCG ’2008: Poster Proceedings

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