Název: PV power stations - fire hotbeds and fire tolls
Autoři: Bělík, Milan
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: BĚLÍK, M. PV power stations - fire hotbeds and fire tolls. Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), 2019, roč. 17, č. July 2019, s. 229-234. ISSN 2172-038X.
Datum vydání: 2019
Nakladatel: European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85068759460
ISSN: 2172-038X
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: PV panel damage;PV power plant fire;lightning strike;secondary hazards of PV systems
Abstrakt: This article deals with photovoltaic power stations acting as possible fire hotbeds and simultaneously fire tolls. Main PV features defining fire risks of alone standing or on building mounted power station are discussed. Analyses described in main chapter are based on real case of a lightning strike. Divergence between direct lightning strike and close lightning strike is deeply illustrated and possible protections are discussed. Following paragraphs deal with fire rating and fire performance of particular PV panels, relevant dangers for acting firemen, extinguishing ways, particular fire progress and secondary hazards. The problematic is demonstrated on the base of experimental photovoltaic plant fire and real examples of injured panels.
Práva: © EA4EPQ
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Články / Articles (RICE)
Články / Articles (KEE)

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