Název: Čínský zachránce? Narativní obrazy zahraničí ve vybraných projevech českých politiků v období první vlny coronavirové krize
Další názvy: Chinese saviour? Narrative images of foreign countries in selected speeches of Czech politicians during the first wave of the coronavirus crisis
Autoři: Paleček, Jakub
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: PALEČEK, J. Čínský zachránce? Narativní obrazy zahraničí ve vybraných projevech českých politiků v období první vlny coronavirové krize. Central European Journal of Politics, 2020, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 44-72. ISSN 2464-479Xl.
Datum vydání: 2020
Nakladatel: Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/43671
ISSN: 2464-479X
Klíčová slova: narativy;zahraniční politika;metafory;Čína;koronavirus;česká zahraniční politika
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Czech politics;narrative;foreign policy;metaphor;China;coronavirus
Abstrakt: Článek se zabývá analýzou výroků českých politiků a metafor používaných v souvislosti s Čínskou lidovou republikou a pandemií koronaviru
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: This paper deals with the foreign policy narratives of selected actors of Czech foreign policy. It focuses on narratives about all foreign countries mentioned by the examined actors during the initial phase of the problems related to COVID-19 in the Czech Republic (March 2020). The politicians (members of the government and the President) indicated their foreign policy ideas in specific narratives. The aim of the paper is to corroborate the thesis that in a crisis situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, selected politicians used foreign policy narratives to communicate their foreign policy ideas. It seeks to contribute to the understanding of the role played by narratives in the formation of foreign policy ties, of the actual content of those narratives, and of the ways their meaning is constructed. Narrative analysis of metaphors is the paper’s research method. The paper finds that the politicians’ narratives focused on the People’s Republic of China in particular. Using a narrative set in the “backdrop” of a global pandemic, they highlighted positive metaphors about China’s role and character while setting back any criticism. Other countries of the world were not in the narrative focus, they were only metaphorically framed to a lesser extent and in various meanings. The politicians, therefore, used the crisis to articulate a foreign policy leaning towards China. The given narrative was, in a sense, a part of the foreign policy of the Czech Republic because it contributed to its discursive dimension.
Práva: © Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
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