Název: Carboniferous limestone boulder from the Badenian clastics (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic): A useful data source on the Palaeozoic of the Moravosilesian Basin
Autoři: Weiner, Tomáš
Weinerová, Hedvika
Mergl, Michal
Kalvoda, Jiří
Gregorová, Růžena
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: WEINER, T. WEINEROVÁ, H. MERGL, M. KALVODA, J. GREGOROVÁ, R. Carboniferous limestone boulder from the Badenian clastics (Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic): A useful data source on the Palaeozoic of the Moravosilesian Basin. Bulletin of Geosciences, 2022, roč. 97, č. 2, s. 179-201. ISSN: 1214-1119
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: Czech Geological Survey
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: 2-s2.0-85132176398
ISSN: 1214-1119
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: Badenian;Carpathian Foredeep;Tournaisian;Moravian Karst;brachiopods;trilobites;microfacies
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: The lower Badenian basal and marginal clastics of the Carpathian Foredeep represent a useful source of information on the Palaeozoic units of the Moravosilesian Basin (Bohemian Massif). This study addresses in detail a Tournaisian limestone boulder from a locality near Kučerov village. Foraminifers indicate a narrow interval within the Mississippian Foraminifer Zone 8, characterized by the co-occurence of Darjella monilis Malakhova, 1964 and Eoparastaffella ex. gr. vdovenkoae Devuyst & Kalvoda, 2007. Fourteen recorded brachiopod taxa include: markedly predominant chonetidines, represented by Megachonetes zimmermanni (Paeckelmann, 1930) and other rugosochonetids; less frequent strophomenides (Leptagonia M’Coy, 1844) and orthotetides (Pulsiidae, Schuchertellidae); and rather rare spiriferides, athyrides?, orthides and productidines. The brachiopod fauna is generally close to associations known from other European areas. Trilobites are represented by the genus Cummingella Reed, 1942. The specimens recorded do not match the species previously known from the Czech Republic and the morphological features preserved suggest similarity with taxa from other European areas (e.g. Belgium, Poland). The microfacies correspond to floatstone with a packstone/grainstone matrix and contain crinoids, peloids, foraminifers, intraclasts, cortoids, moravamminids, algae and other allochems. Based on microfacies and foraminifer data, the boulder might originate in the limestone succession of the Líšeň Formation in the vicinity of Mokrá or in the limestone olistoliths in the siliciclastic Culm facies. Accordingly, at least some of the dark grey limestone clasts at the studied locality correspond to the Carboniferous and not only to the Devonian as previously assumed.
Práva: © Czech Geological Survey
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