Title: Muammar Qadhdháfí a ekonomika Libye
Other Titles: Muammar Gaddafi and Economy of Libya
Authors: Česák, Milan
Advisor: Křížek, Daniel
Referee: Kydlíček, Jakub
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/13050
Keywords: ekonomika;Libye;Muammar Kaddáfí;prospekce;ropa;socialismus;znárodnění
Keywords in different language: economy;Libya;Muammar Gaddafi;prospecting;oil;socialism;nationalization
Abstract: Tato práce se zabývá ekonomikou Libye pod vládou Muammara Qadhdháfího s důrazem na převzetí ropného sektoru, využití takto získaných zdrojů v ekonomice. V první části je rozebrána historie země skrze dvě světové války a vliv Západu, který přináší první ropné zisky. Dále navazuje část popisující inspiraci, nástup Qadhdháfího k moci, ideologický diskurz a jeho vliv v ekonomice a využití příjmů zestátněného ropného sektoru.
Abstract in different language: The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is summarization of economic development of Libya under Moamar Qadhafi rule. In the first part of thesis I focused on hisory of three different governorates, Tripoli, Cyrenaica and Fezzan. The second chapter describes issue of Italian occupation and economic develompement under Italian rule. The next chapters describe a results of WWII, which brings some economic changes and challenges, which resulted in nterests of Western allies. I focused on first period of independence and economic application of foreign aid and its impact. Next chapter is focused at first in oil prospection and impacts of using money obtained by oil industry in Idris goverment. Previous material provides me understanding of why was people dissatisfied with regime, how its related with oil and economy as also correlation with Nasser ?s Egypt revolution and, mainly, why and where come colonel Qadhafi. Next chapter following with view of Qadhafi ideology from economic perspective and also reflection about why ideology might have failed. In next part of my work I write about how new revolutionary regime interven into economy, how changes it made. I focus on oil part of economy because it is main determinate factor. In relation with oil, next chapter describes how regime used incomes and revenues from nationalized oil to intervent economic, mainly focused on agriculture, because it was one of the most part aimed at Qadhafi ideology.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS)

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