Volume 3, number 1-2 (1995) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 46
Zhang, Shouqing , Thomas, A. L.
Free from surface construction using Gregory patches

This paper deals with the construction of a free form surface by using both triangular and rectangular Gregory patches. The input is a set of 3D points associated with normal values at each point. All the control points needed for a Gregory patch can then be calculat...

Žára, Jiří , Holeček, Aleš , Přikryl, Jan , Buriánek, Jan , Menzel, Knut
Load balancing for parallel raytracer on virtual walls

Dynamic load balancing of parallel ray-tracing algorithm based on spacial subdivision is discused. We attempt to find the load balancing method with the fastes respond on the load extreams in the system. A optimal architecture of the computational system based on three level proces...

Willis, Philip J.
Computer animation and human animators

There is often a gap between what technology can deliver and what users want. Sometimes this is because of fundamental technological constraints but often it is because technologists do not address the realities of user needs and expectations before attempting to solve the problem....

Wada, Takashi , Nakamura, Tatsuro , Suzuki, Kaoru
A robust object modeling system using a range finder

This paper presents a robust object modeling system that generates an object model from multiviewing range data. The purpose of the system is to obtain an exact object model, overcoming a noise problem in rage data. Our system computes object existence in voxel space by i...

Volf, Jaromír
Using of discriminatory analysis to pattern recognition of tactile pattern

This paper described a new method of tactile pattern recognition. The method can be used a numeric regulator too. This method is based on the discriminatory analysis. The computation is going through all system of pattern classes. This corresponds to classical computing process, wh...

Tobler, Robert F. , Löffelmann, Helwig , Purgathofer, Werner
VEGA: Vienna environment for graphics applications

This paper presents a software development environment for rendering applications. The main parts of the environment are a set of rules concerning the coding style, a set of tools to maintain source files and a number of libraries providing graphics functionality. The environment h...

Szirmay-Kalos, László , Márton, Gábor
On convergence and complexity of radiosity algorithms

This paper evaluates and compares the convergence and complexity characteristics of radiosity algorithms with a special emphasis on randomized methods.

Stuttard, David , Worrall, Adam , Paddon, Derek , Willis, Claire
A parallel radiosity system for large data sets

The radiosity method gives realistic results for synthesising images based on diffuse light interaction; however, the method is also very computationally expensive. Here we present a system for parallelising a progressive refinement radiosity method using a ray casting approach. The system d...

Stolte, Nilo , Caubet, René
Discrete ray-tracing high resolution 3D grids

This article suggests a new approach to discrete Ray-Tracing in which a two step three-dimensional DDA and an octree are used. A verpy important problem regarding this kind of Ray Tracing, also known as Raster Ray Tracing, is the amount of memory required to store the...

Šrámek, Miloš
Comparison of some ray generators for ray tracing volumetric data

Ray tracing is a popular technique for rendering not only analytical objects, but also volumetric data, either synthetized or measured. Different techniques for the ray definition by traversal of the voxel space were designed. The first part of the paper is an overview of ray&...

Sojka, Eduard
Aspect graphs of three-dimensional scenes

The paper presents a new approach to the theory of aspect graphs. This approach is based on the presumption that an equivalence relation can be introduced on the set of images of a given scene. The equivalence relation induces the decomposition of the set of images, ...

Shin, Ok-Keun , Kim, Hyun-Ki , Chae, Young-Do
An architecture of muldimedia platform for integrated audio-visual data processing

In this paper, we introduce an experimental hardware architecture of a multimedia data processing system called ComBiStation, whose application area includes multimedia authoring, CSCW and video conferencing. The platform comprises most commonly needed multimedia processing functions : audio-visual data&#x...

Ruckser, Harald
FlowVisualizer: a system for combined scalar and vector visualization

In this paper a new system for visualization of combines scalar and vector fields is presented. The methods implemented in this system are based on the use of combination AVOs (abstract visualization objects) consisting of arrows, spheres, isosurfaces, streamlines and cylinders. These A...

Richardson, John F.
Multimedia interfaces for advanced mathematics: Otter 3.0 as a case study

This paper describes a multimedia interface for the OTTER theorem proving system. This interface is implemented using an advanced multimedia authoring system based upon the SUPERCARD program. SUPERCARD is a Hypercard type system that basically solves most of the problems previou...

Rau, René T.
Visualization of smoothed particle hydrodynamics

Today smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) play an important role in the computation of gas dynamical processes appearing in astrophysics and other fields. Nevertheless the visualization techniques for this particle based model are still rudimentary. In order to visualize the density and pr...

Slavík, Pavel , Přikryl, Jan
Dithering as a method for image data compression

Preim, Bernhard , Strothotte, Thomas
Tuning rendered line-drawings

Normally rendered images are the polished output of rendering software and are, by definiton, "perfect". However, as we think about rendering abstractions of the underlying models, rather than photorealistic images, it becomes evident that user involvement is necessary to tune rendered&...

Notkin, Irena , Gotsman, Craig
Parallel adaptive ray-tracing

We describe a dynamic task allocation algorithm for ray-tracing by adaptive progressive refinement on a parallel computer. Parallelization of adaptive ray-tracing is difficult because of the inherent sequential nature of the sample location generation process, which is optimized (and different) f...

Niepel, Ludovít , Martinka, Jozef , Ferko, Andrej , Eliass, Pavol
On scene complexity definition for rendering

This paper introduces one way how to define in a mathematically correct way the complexity of the polygonal scene for rendering. This complexity allows to compare previously incomparable rendering algorithms via computing the complexity of various scenes, and give the more rigid solutio...

Minghim, Rosane , Forrest, A. R.
Sound mappings for surface visualization

This paper is concerned with the development of a system to support Scientific Visualisation by utilising the sound channel. The mappings presented here are intended to support understanding and interaction with surface data. This is done by using sound signals associated with methods&#...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Datum zaslání in sestupně order): 1 to 20 of 46