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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.authorMilitsopoulos, Christos
dc.contributor.authorSakellariou, Panagiota
dc.contributor.authorArmakolas, Stefanos
dc.contributor.editorHonzlíková, Jarmila
dc.contributor.editorSimbartl, Petr
dc.identifier.citationHONZÍKOVÁ, Jarmila ed.; SIMBARTL, Petr ed. Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016 17.–18.5. 2016: sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní studentské odborné a vědecké konference. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016, s. [256-260]. ISBN 978-80-261-0620-3.cs
dc.format5 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjectcloudové platformycs
dc.titleCloud services in teachers´ education: a theoretical approach in Greeceen
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs
dc.description.abstract-translatedTechnology and its products change very quickly and become more and more accessible. This will lead education in the upcoming years to be accessible by everyone, teachers and students, in cooperation and learning anywhere, locally and globally. The classroom of the future will probably include pupils with physical presence but also online from anywhere, and respectively the same may happen with teachers. Cloud-based services are constantly evolving. Many of these services, known as Web 2.0 services because of their innovative features, have added an important element in the cloud, the interactive features, in a way that allows users to use them creatively. This gives us the ability to create orchestrated services that provide learning experiences, which until recently were impossible to implement. The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical approach to the use and utilization of cloud services in Educational Technology and Multimedia Laboratory in Higher Education Pedagogy School, at the Annex of Patras.en
dc.subject.translatedcloud platformsen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016
Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016

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