Název: Vnímání lesa: antropologická perspektiva
Autoři: Šebianová, Kristýna
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: Akta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2016, č. 1, s. 58-74.
Datum vydání: 2016
Nakladatel: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Typ dokumentu: článek
URI: http://actaff.zcu.cz/export/sites/ffacta/files/archiv/2016/Acta-FF-c-1/po-kapitolach/4.-Vnmn-lesa---antropologick-perspektiva-Kristna-ebianov.pdf
ISSN: 1802-0364 (print)
2336-6346 (online)
Klíčová slova: sociální konstrukce;les;kognitivní antropologie
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: social construction;forest;cognitive antropology
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: In the past, forests occupied the major part of the land. They left a deep trace in the human cognizance as they incorporated using different traditions and cults to the human culture. The perception of this environment has changed during the ages. From ancient times forests were used as an utility value, they were subjects of worship and centres of religious activities. In the Middle Ages it was a space where preindustrial activities and medieval agriculture took place. Opposite to this, the period sources descripes pagan rituals and proces of demonization of the forest. Even nowadays it is possible to notice its spiritual dimension. The forest motives are noticed in, as it is called, urban legends, where it takes a more negative than positive meaning. In this thesis the forest is defined as a product of social construction with its special symbolic and cognitive dimension. The forest concept is formed by symbols and meanings which were ascribed by our cultural patterns. The nature becomes cultural. The research is focused on a formation of a semantic field of a forest and its perception by a different respondents from towns and villages, aged between 20 and 35 years. It uses the qualitative research method: the cognitive anthropology method of Freelisting was used for defining a cultural domain.
Práva: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Číslo 1 (2016)
Články / Articles (KSA)
Číslo 1 (2016)

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