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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 85
Mifek, Jan
Předpoklady rozvodu manželství

The article deals with divorce as a classic way of dissolving a marriage under the Civil Code. It is devoted to analysing the statutory provisions governing divorce, whether it be "contested" divorce or "indisputable" divorce. In addition to his theoretical analysis, he&#...

Byszowiec, Marián
Proces s Vedením protistátního spikleneckého centra se zaměřením na otázky zákonnosti přípravného řízení

The article deals with political processes in Czechoslovakia, specifically the process with the Leadership of the Anti-State Conspiracy Center headed by Rudolf Slánský, more precisely with selected questions of procedural criminal law, according to the valid and effective legislation in the ...

Koutenský, Otakar
Exekuce prodejem movitých věcí zatížených zástavním právem nebo zajišťovacím převodem práva

The article deals with the analysis of the current state of legal regulation of the right of lien and the security transfer of the right in execution by sale of movable property. The article explains the fundamental differences in the sale of movable property encumbered b...

Nemanský, Jan
Přenesení působnosti provést organizační změnu na dozorčí radu – je to dobrý nápad?

This article deals with the issues related to the transfer of the competence to make an organisational change to the supervisory board, in the context of a specific regulation of the articles of association that the author has encountered in his practice. The article first...

Knaizl, Zdeněk
Věc v právním smyslu v kontextu historického vývoje a jeho současná reflexe v exekučním právu

In this paper, a description of the historical development of understanding the institution of thing and its definition to provide a current analysis and handling of the term thing in the Civil Code is provided. The expert paper maps the legal definition of thing in a...

Nováková, Veronika
Náhrada za ztrátu na výdělku po skončení pracovní neschopnosti: rozkol mezi občanským zákoníkem a zákoníkem práce

The loss or reduction of earning capacity due to personal injury entitles the injured person to compensation for loss of earnings after the end of their incapacity for work. One form of such compensation is a recurrent cash pension, which is the subject of this article.&#...

Tvrdík, Ivan
Teorie absolutních a relativních soukromých subjektivních práv

The regulation of private rights and obligations in the czech civil code is (like the entire system of private law) based on the distinction between absolute and relative subjective rights. The theory of this distinction is only briefly elaborated in our current legal doctrine....

Schwarzová, Aneta
Virtuální aktiva a virtuální měny - obsah a vývoj pojmu, právní povaha, regulace a možná úskalí

The paper focuses on current issues with virtual assets, virtual currencies and their development in recent years. The author provides a detailed examination of the various ways in which the law views virtual assets. In addition to examining partial provisions in the Czech legal&#x...

Wolfová, Jitka
Významné změny v doručování písemností soudním exekutorem

The contribution is devoted to a fundamental change in the delivery of documents in enforcement proceedings. These changes were made by the last two amendments to the Enforcement Code, namely Act No. 286/2021 Coll. and Act No. 214/2022 Coll. With effect from 1 January...

Chupáč, Miroslav
Započtení v insolvenčním řízení

This article deals with the general and special conditions for offsetting mutual claims in insolvency proceedings. Furthermore, possible legal consequences associated with offsetting in the phase before and after the initiation of insolvency proceedings were discussed. In all stages of insolvency...

Wolfová, Jitka
Významné změny v doručování písemností soudním exekutorem

The contribution is devoted to a fundamental change in the delivery of documents in enforcement proce edings. These changes were made by the last two amendments to the Enforcement Code, namely Act No. 286/2021 Coll. and Act No. 214/2022 Coll. With effect from 1 ...

Wolfová, Jitka
Náklady exekučního řízení a systematika záloh na náklady řízení

The text is not only a protest against the negative legal development in execution law, but also tries to find a legal solution to this fundamental problem. In the introduction, it deals with general approaches to the costs of the proceedings and decisions about them de&#...

Mifek, Jan
Povinnosti člena statutárního orgánu při úpadku korporace

The contribution deals with the duties of a member of a commercial corporation's statutory body where that member has contributed by breaching his duties to the bankruptcy of such a corporation. The analysis will be devoted to the previous adjustment compared to the adjustment&...

Hoda, Dominik
Konstitutivní znaky svěřenského fondu a úvaha nad zakotvením rady obmyšlených

The article focuses on some selected issues related to the trust fund as an institute of foreign property management, in particular, it focuses on the general definition and classification in the systematics of the legal system, constitutive features, subjectivity of the trust fund,...

Kotroušová, Denisa
Právnická osoba jako nájemce bytu a tzv. účelové podnájmy

Following article deals with the issue of so-called purposive subtenancy. It is very closely connected to the question whether a legal entity can be a tenant or not. According to the general understanding of tenancy, the tenant is a natural person who needs to fulfil his&...

Chrenek, Tomáš
Zákonná definice cenného papíru v kontextu základních pojmových znaků

The article focuses on the concept of securities after the recodification of private law with a focus on the basic conceptual features of securities, which are the relevant instrument itself (the tangible substrate, the medium) and an incorporation of the right. The article, firstl...

Mach, Ondřej
Změna pohlaví v české judikatuře

The institute of gender reassignment is not a common theme in Czech jurisprudence. One of the reasons may be the fact that, unlike homosexuality, this institute has only been known to the Czech legal system since the 1990s. However, even so, very interesting cases were de...

Bányaiová, Alena
Judikatura nejvyššího soudu a "neústavní" výše úroku z prodlení

The article looks into the approach of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court to the limits of contractual freedom in negotiating default interest. It analyses the consequences of the differences in the views of both courts on this issue, especially in terms of predict...

Knaizl, Zdeněk
Nezbytná cesta ve světle aktuální judikatury

Law. nr. 89/2012 Coll., civil code, has incorporated to our legal order more complex legislation concerning the institute necessary path then it used to be under the affection of the old civil code. Despite this fact some provisions of the law still contains some concepts...

Wolfová, Jitka
Sociálně-právní dopady současného pojetí exekučního řízení pro obyvatele České republiky

The last amendment to the Enforcement Code, which was introduced by the No. 286/2001 Sb., is an extensive amendment in its content. The aim of this amendment was mainly to solve the problem of multiple execution proceedings, an introduction of the principle of one mandato...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Datum zaslání in sestupně order): 1 to 20 of 85