Název: Staff competences for the position of independent accoutant
Autoři: Šebístková, Michaela
Vrchota, Jaroslav
Řehoř, Petr
Maříková, Monika
Klarner, Lukáš
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: KRESA, Zdeněk (ed.) Business Trends 2022, Plzeň 2022, p. 228-236.
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/54548
ISBN: 978-80-261-1126-9
Klíčová slova: kompetence;účetní;kompetenční model;zaměstnanci;nezávislý účetní
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: competence;accountants;competence model;employees;independent accountant
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Nowadays, a considerable amount of accounting companies are presented mainly by their financial results, good reputation and customer satisfaction. These aspects can be easily improved through soft or hard competencies that are specific among individual employees within the accounting company. Competen- cies allow many employees to find out which activities and responsibilities within their job position they are supposed to do, and therefore there is no confusion in the company that would cause losses or worse (not only) financial results. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the key activities and responsibilities of independent accountants and to propose an optimal hard and soft competency model that will help to make better use of accountants' activities and knowledge. Based on the National Occupational Competency Frame- work, those competencies that are important to the functions of accountants will be evaluated.
Práva: © Authors of papers
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Business Trends 2022: Conference Proceedings
Business Trends 2022: Conference Proceedings

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