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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorKohout Josef, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.authorHavlíček, Ondřej
dc.contributor.refereeMaňák Martin, Mgr. Ph.D.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on modelling intermuscular interactions in the context of muscle deformation using the Position Based Dynamics (PBD) method. The deformation method was extended to improve its consistency during simulation. Passive intermuscular interaction was introduced and implemented through a general deformable collision handling system. Additionally, a system for active muscle interaction was developed for the model, enabling physiologically accurate, motion-based, and synchronous muscle contractions during arbitrary movements. The results were rigorously verified against a similar method and evaluated for physiological accuracy, preservation of shape and volume, and muscle collision avoidance. The physiologically advanced model seems to hold a real-world application potential.cs
dc.format153 s. (256 294 znaků)
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení
dc.subjectextended position-based dynamicscs
dc.subjectmusculoskeletal systemcs
dc.subjectdeformable bodiescs
dc.subjectmuscle contraction modellingcs
dc.subjectdeformable collision detectioncs
dc.subjectcollision detection and resolutioncs
dc.subjectmuscular synergycs
dc.titleMuscle interaction in the context of muscle deformation modelling by a Position Based Dynamics methodcs
dc.title.alternativeMuscle interaction in the context of muscle deformation modelling by a Position Based Dynamics methoden
dc.typediplomová práce
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta aplikovaných věd
dc.thesis.degree-programInformatika a její specializace
dc.description.abstract-translatedThis thesis focuses on modelling intermuscular interactions in the context of muscle deformation using the Position Based Dynamics (PBD) method. The deformation method was extended to improve its consistency during simulation. Passive intermuscular interaction was introduced and implemented through a general deformable collision handling system. Additionally, a system for active muscle interaction was developed for the model, enabling physiologically accurate, motion-based, and synchronous muscle contractions during arbitrary movements. The results were rigorously verified against a similar method and evaluated for physiological accuracy, preservation of shape and volume, and muscle collision avoidance. The physiologically advanced model seems to hold a real-world application potential.en
dc.subject.translatedextended position-based dynamicsen
dc.subject.translatedmusculoskeletal systemen
dc.subject.translateddeformable bodiesen
dc.subject.translatedmuscle contraction modellingen
dc.subject.translateddeformable collision detectionen
dc.subject.translatedcollision detection and resolutionen
dc.subject.translatedmuscular synergyen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KIV)

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