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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorValentová, Vendulka
dc.contributor.authorKoberna, František
dc.contributor.refereeBalík, Stanislav
dc.description.abstractResume je shrnutí vlády Petra Velikého, jeho nástupu na trůn, jeho vlády, reforem a nařízení, která na dlouhá staletí ovlivnila život nejen v carském Rusku. Píši zde také o Petrově soukromém životě a zvycích. Poslední část je věnována vlivu Petra Velikého na Rusko a jeho zařazení v mezinárodní politice.cs
dc.format70 s. (138 951 znaků)cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectabsolutní monarchacs
dc.subjectreformy a nařízenícs
dc.subjecthospodářské změnycs
dc.subjectPetrův testamentcs
dc.subjectcarské Ruskocs
dc.titleZákony o státním zřízení za Petra I. Velikéhocs
dc.title.alternativeState laws for the establishment of Peter I. the greaten
dc.typediplomová prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta právnickács
dc.description.departmentKatedra právních dějincs
dc.thesis.degree-programPrávo a právní vědacs
dc.description.abstract-translatedI divided the whole work into two basic parts. One is devoted to the life of Peter the Great from two points of view. The first is his childhood and his adolescence, from his birth to the moment when he got hold of power. The other point of view was the political situation and events which frame that time. The most important were the death of tsar Alexis, and at the background, fights for power of families of the Naryshkins and the Miloslavkys, the succession of a fourteen-year-old tsarevitsch (prince) Fjodor on the throne. The following stay of Peter and his mother at Probrazenskoe and the beginnings of his education which was interrupted by an unexpected death of the tsar which on 27th April 1682 started a new fight for power among the antagonised families. The gunmen (streltsy) intervened in the fight for the power and the result of it was installing two tsars, Fjodor, a 16-year-old Ivan's brother and a 10-year-old step brother, Peter. Next I concentrated on Peter's character, his typical features, which were obviously mirrored in his reforms. He was stern to himself and to the others too, hard-working, energetic and he understood his post of tsar as service to the state. But he never got out of his "shell" of a self-ruling tsar (samoderzavny). The second part is devoted to the reforms, mainly to the decisions (ukazy) whose concern was the state establishment, especially the administrative-and-law reform, the reform of the church and the army were the most important for the next development of Tsarist Russia. I would also add the reform of the navy to those mentioned above because of its war point of view. I didn't devote such a great concern to other reforms, although they also influenced the life of Russia for whole centuries. What cannot be left out is the reform of taxes whose aim was to gain as many financial resources for the army, the navy and for other fields important for Peter's war struggle. It was important to look at Peter's whole reform struggle, as at an activity which monitored creating Russia as a superpower, through the changes of the whole society, where everything was subordinated to the war struggle but not even in one case the frame of absolutistic monarchy was exceeded. To the conclusion it was important to analyze why the reform struggle often failed and why the result of the reforms was often different from their basic aim. The essential problem in Peter's reforms was their directive suppressing the initiative and the free development of Russian residents. Although the reforms were realized in the frame of bureaucratic monarchy and often failed, they fundamentally changed the role of Russia in Europe. Russia became a superpower and the reforms orientated inside the Russian society influenced it for several centuries.en
dc.subject.translatedabsolute ruleren
dc.subject.translatedreforms and ordersen
dc.subject.translatedeconomic changesen
dc.subject.translatedPetr's testamenten
dc.subject.translatedtsarist Russiaen
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