Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 337
Engelgardtová, Nikita
Balkánské války (1912-1913) a česká společnost

The Bachelor's thesis Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and Czech Society deals with the course of the two Balkan Wars and the repercussions of these conflicts in the Czech area. The thesis highlights the events leading up to the wars themselves in the context of the international&#...

Váchová, Tereza
Konec komunistického režimu v Československu a Polsku

The bachelor's thesis describes a series of events that led to the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia and Poland. It describes the state of both countries in the eighties and the subsequent end of the communist regime. An integral part of the work is also an int...

Rodina, Vojtěch
Fenomén inkvizice ve vrcholně a pozdně středověké Evropě (13.-15. století)

The bachelor thesis will deal with the ways and approaches of the two basic waves of the European Inquisition. After the obligatory introduction, it will deal with the characteristics of the Inquisition in 13th century (origin, bearers, impacts), the next chapter will be devo...

Holcová, Markéta
Alexander von Humboldt, jeho pohled na přírodu a význam pro geografii

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to present Alexander von Humboldt, his work and view of nature. The author of thesis tries to demonstrate Humboldt's understanding of nature as a complex entity with an intricate network of relationships between organisms. At the same tim...

Fait, Jan
Úloha Florence Nightingale v krymské válce

The thesis is focused on personality of Florence Nightingale and her work in The Crimean War. In the thesis are also described the causes of war and reasons, why Great Britain fought in the war. Part of the thesis is also dedicated to contributions of Florence Nighti...

Mastný, Josef
Válka v Pacifiku - Operace Forager

The bachelor's thesis "The War in the Pacific - Operation Forager" will discuss the landing of American troops in the Marianas Islands, taking place in the summer of 1944, which was an important step towards the conquest of the Philippines. The author will discuss...

Němeček, Štefan
Příčiny britsko-americké války roku 1812

After the French revolution and after the first clashes in Europe, the United States of America became one of the main neutral powers. This position proved to be favourable for the states of the Union because it increased the amount of the trade with both belligerent....

Boříková, Michala
Nacistická cenzura a jiné zásahy do českého divadelnictví v Protektorátu

After the occupation of the Czech lands by nacist Germany army and establishment of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 growen the attendance in theatres. Czech theatre also became a very important phenomenon of this time. This bachlerol´s thesis is applyin the e...

Halíř, Dominik
Gracchus Babeuf a spiknutí rovných

The Bachelor thesis focuses to the analysis of the conspiracy of equals and it is leading personality, Gracchus Babeuf. The thesis captures the course of the entire conspiracy, which is set in the context of the French Revolution. Furthemore, the thesis is devoted to the ...

Kočár, Matěj
Situace národnostních menšin v Polsku v letech 1918-1947

The bachelor thesis deals with the situation of Ukrainian, Belarusian and Jewish minorities in the territory of interwar Poland between 1918 and 1947. The aim of the thesis is to describe the individual events that led to the transformation of Poland from an interwar multinati...

Tauscherová, Andrea
Koncentrační tábor Dachau

The bachelor thesis is focussed on the oldest and longest-running Nazi concentration camp, Dachau. The author deals with its foundation in 1933, the operation of the camp and subsequently its liberation by the American army in the spring of 1945. In addition, the transformation...

Slepičková, Nina
Experimenty na lidech v období 2. světové války.

This bachelor thesis describes experiments in concentration camps Dachau, Rawensbrück, Oswiecim and Buchenwald during the World War II. It explained its causes, process, goals and conclusions. Also it describes main doctors who were responsible for realization of these experiments and detected&#x...

Bůcha, Adam
Operace Market Garden

The bachelor thesis focuses on one of the biggest allied airborne operations of the World War II, "Market Garden" which took place in Netherlands in September 1944. The First Allied Airborne Army of General Colonel Lewis Brereton was supposed to occupy key bridges over&#x...

Valíčková, Eliška
Pařížská mírová konference a Saint - Germainská mírová smlouva

The aim of the bachelor thesis is the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Saint-Germain, which was concluded with Austria after the Great war. The Great War is known today as World War I. To put the situation in context, the situation before the end of the&...

Matasová, Blanka
Americká společnost a sérioví vrazi v 70. letech 20. století v USA

The work primarily focuses on the phenomenon of serial killers in the 1970s in the USA and their impact on society. In this thesis, I will attempt to situate the topic within the societal developments in the U.S. and try to find the reasons for the actions of&#x...

Roj, Michal
Bitva o Edsonův hřeben na Guadalcanalu

This bachelor's thesis concerns itself with the American-Japanese battle of Edson's Ridge on the island of Guadalcanal, which happened in September 1942. The aim of this work is to describe the development of this battle and to analyse the strategy and tactics used by ...

Komorousová, Kateřina
Železná opona na česko-bavorské hranici v letech 1948-1989

This bachelor thesis is focused on Iron Curtain on Czech-Bavarian border in years 1948-1989. Opening chapter briefly explains causes of the origin of the Iron Curtain, which was built as a border between free west Europe and socialist east Europe. Following chapter describes guardi...

Janovec, Tomáš
Spojenecké letecké výsadky během operace Overlord

The bachelor thesis focuses on the deployment of airborne divisions during Operation Overlord. The parachute jumps took place on the night of June 5-6 before landing on the beaches of Normandy. Their task was to capture and hold key positions behind enemy lines, thus preventin...

Vácha, Tomáš
První křížová výprava a počátky Jeruzalémského království

The thesis will follow up the First Crusade and the beginnings of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The aim will be to describe the reasons for the announcement of the crusade and the reduction of its participants. After that work, he will focus on the advance of the Cr...

Uldrychová, Michaela
Pearl Harbor

The bachelor's thesis will deal with the Japanese Imperial Navy's attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The surprise strike took place on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. The student will examine the causes of Japanese aggression and military stra...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 337