Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 328
Ledvinová, Lenka
Vynález knihtisku a následné rozšíření do zemí Koruny české

This bachelor´s thesis is about invention of letterpress by Johannes Gutenberg and spreading from Mainz to the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. The main content of this thesis is to analyse the invention of letterpress by Johannes Gutenberg in the middle of 15th century, spreading...

Vodička, Josef
Boxerské povstání

The aim of this bachelors' thesis is to analyze the events of the Boxer Uprising, its origins, course and consequences. The beginning of the work deals with the analysis of the China's situation after the First Sino-Japanese War, with the events of the Hundred Days'...

Šik, Michal
Reflexe bitvy u Little Bighornu v dobovém tisku

The bachelor's thesis analyzes coverage and impact of the Battle of the Little Bighorn in the United States contemporary press of 1876. The thesis is thematically divided into five chapters dealing with three main aspects of press coverage - forming of so called legend and...

Holý, Marek
Atentát na Heydricha a jeho ztvárnění ve vybraných zahraničních hraných filmech v porovnání se skutečností

The aim of this bachelor work is to introduce operation Anthropoid - its preparation, course, consequences, another fate of assassins on the basis of information from available czech and foreign literature and then its depicting in selected foreign films. The issue is the analysis&...

Krčmář, Milan
Polští letci v RAF

The bachelor's thesis deals with the operation of Polish pilots in the service of the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. The thesis focuses on the beginning of the war, when after the invasion of Poland by the Soviet Union army from the eastern border,&...

Pechoušová, Lenka
Vznik, vývoj a zánik koncentračního tábora Osvětim

The Bachelor thesis is mainly devoted to a complete analysis and description of the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. This camp has become a symbol of the genocide and mass murder of many innocent people. This work is divided into two parts. The ...

De monte, Veronika
Cesta k pádu Marie Stuartovny

This bachelor thesis is about the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. The thesis will examine her early years, her life as a young girl in France, her return to Scotland in 1561, her forced abdication in 1567 and her final years as a 'house guest' of her ...

Brunát, Filip
Bitva u Verdunu 1916

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the course of the longest battle of the First World War, the battle of Verdun in 1916. The first part of the thesis deals with problematics of the French permanent fortifications, built i around the city of Verdun b...

Najmanová, Michaela
Oscar Wilde a soumrak viktoriánské éry

This bachelor's thesis focusses on the life and work of Oscar Wilde and the controversies he provoked in the Victorian society. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyse Wilde's life and work in the context of the Victorian era, describe important moments in B...

Janský, Lukáš
Atlantický val pod velením polního maršála Erwina Rommela

The aim of the thesis is to describe the changes made by field marshal Erwin Rommel after he assumed command of The Atlantic Wall and to find out why it was so quickly broken in June 1944. The Atlantic Wall was one of the most ambitious project of Second&#x...

Hřivna, Antonín
Význam operace Fortitude pro úspěch operace Overlord

This work analyzes one of the most important and successful deceptive operations which occured during the Second world war. The main task of this diverse action (codenamed Fortitude) was to confuse the Germans and prevent them from accurately determining the place and time of ...

Vladyková, Pavla
Soukromý život Ludvíka XIV. a život na královském dvoře

This bachelor thesis focuses on the private and romance life of the French king Louis XIV, who lived between the years 1638 - 1715 and his life on the French court. Private and romance life ofLouis XIV of France affected not only the life in Palace of Versailles...

Štíchová, Michaela
Cesta Adolfa Hitlera k pivnímu puči v roce 1923

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the way of Adolf Hitler to the first attempt of the Nazi putsch in Munich between 8th and 9th November 1923, known as a "Beer Hall Putsch" these days. The thesis is mainly focused on Hitler's influence in the De...

Korčák, Tomáš
Pozdně středověká výzbroj křižáckých válečníků střední a západní Evropy na protihusitských taženích (1420-1431)

The bachelor's thesis will try, on the basis of iconographic and written sources, for a comprehensive view of the combat equipment of late medieval warriors during crusades. Priority will be paid to cruciates led against Hussite Bohemia in the context of the overall development...

Taušner, Ladislav
Bitevní loď Bismarck

This Bachelor Thesis describes fates of battleship Bismarck, from her launch to her last final battle. In thesis are written down technical specifications and charasteristics of this battleship. They are mentioned key moments, that have impact on operation Rheinübung, her first and also...

Šaroch, David
Příběh bitevní lodi Jamato

Bachelor thesis focused on the battleship Yamato, one of the two largest battleships ever built. First is described ship's origin, construction and parameters. Following with description of the battles in which Yamato participated. The next part of the thesis is about life on b...

Brodská, Petra
Odvolání podpisů pod Mnichovskou dohodou

The bachelor thesis is divided into six chapters and seven subchapters. The first chapter deals with the Munich Agreement itself. The second chapter is devoted to the short period of the so-called Second Republic. At this point, many state and political changes have occurred. ...

Hudečková, Markéta
Vyhlazovací tábor Treblinka

The bachelor thesis will be focused on description of extermination camp Treblinka and life of prisoners. Other concentration camps in Poland will also be briefly mentioned and the very foundation of concentration and extermination camps. The work will be divided into chapters, in ...

Pokoradiová, Marcela
Počátky impresionismu v Předlitavsku

The bachelor thesis will deal with the way in which the impressionist movement from France was spread into the western part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The thesis will focus mainly on the circumstances of transfer of a new conception of the artistic representation of rea...

Blahota, Kryštof
Čínská občanská válka v letech 1946- 1949

To explore the changes and the problems in the whole conflict the text has been divided into three main chapters. The first chapter describes China from the end of the imperial regime to the end of the World War II. It describes the changes that occurred in Chin...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 328