Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAN) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 224
Tříkačová, Klára
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark: původ, hororové prvky a kontroverze

This undergraduate thesis deals with the topic of the famous children's book series Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark by Alvin Schwartz and introduces the genre of horror to the reader. It consists of four main parts; the first one introduces the author, his oth...

Kuneš, Miroslav
Dopad sociálních sítí na zabavní průmysl

This bachelor's thesis is focused on researching the impact of social media on the entertainment industry. The thesis examines various online controversies that have influenced the entertainment industry in some way. It begins by exploring the history of controversial films and then ...

Hušková, Magdaléna
Postkoloniální Gotika: Postkoloniální analýza knih Jana Eyrová a Mexická Gotika

This thesis focuses on a book written by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Mexican Gothic. The fantasy historical, gothic horror novel backgrounded in Mexico's countryside represents feministically oriented contemporary literature. Many readers point out its resemblance with Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre...

Vejvoda, Jan
Evoluce zombie v postkoloniálním světě: Od Day of the Triffids a 28 Days Later po The Walking Dead

The thesis deals with three narratives The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham, 28 Days Later written by Alex Garland, and The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman. It focuses on the history of zombies and triffids and their connection to colonialism and post-colonialism. It ex...

Řehula, Jakub
Francouzské výpůjčky ve vzorových textech určených pro pokročilé studenty angličtiny

In my work, I deal with the influence of Romance languages on English vocabulary in texts commonly used for testing advanced English learners focusing on the areas that are a standard part of the exam.

Švajcrová, Kamila
Dialekty britské angličtiny se zaměřením na hrabství Sussexu a Kentu

This undergraduate thesis deals with British English dialects focusing on the dialects of Sussex and Kent. It narrates the historical development and the current face of British English and describes several major British English dialects and accents. Given its focus, it further talks&#...

Křížová, Eva
Sbírka Josepha Jacobse Indické pohádky

The subject of this undergraduate thesis is to capture and support the fact that fairy tales independently differ from each other by the influence of cultural nuance. It focuses on the works of Vladimir Propp, Aarne Antii, and Stith Thompson and their approaches to the fi...

Vokrouhlík, Dušan
Stereotypní představy o Angličanech

The undergraduate thesis deals with stereotypes and characteristics of English people. The work is divided into five chapters. The first two are meant to introduce the basic concepts such as what is a stereotype or what is the distinction between the terms English and British....

Polák, Dominik
Pochopení kulturní asimilace prostřednictvím anglicky mluveného mezinárodního filmu Midsommar

This bachelor thesis explores the themes of cultism, indoctrination, white supremacy, and the manipulative power of empathy in the context of the film Midsommar. The film follows the story of Dani, a grieving young woman who travels to Sweden with her boyfriend and his friends...

Beroušková, Barbora
Výskyt záměrové a dispoziční modality anglického modálního slovesa MAY s ohledem na češtinu

The thesis investigates the competition between epistemic and root modalities of MAY and MIGHT in English with respect to Czech. In the first part, the theoretical basis for the given topic is presented, and in the practical part, the sentences are analyzed. The analysis exami...

Komínek, Petr
Rudyard Kipling a George Orwell: Srovnání koloniálních klasiků anglické literatury

The subject of this undergraduate thesis is the comparison of Rudyard Kipling and George Orwell regarding their literary works concerned with the British Raj. Both authors shared a similar background in the British colonies and expressed their experiences in their writing. The thesis&#x...

Tumu m' pongo, Věra
Integrace karibské menšiny ve Velké Británii - Dědictví generace z Windrush

This bachelor thesis deals with immigration to Great Britain in the 19th and 20th centuries. Its goal is to analyze the development of immigration through history in Great Britain, its impact on this country, and to point out the consequences faced by generations of Caribbean&...

Reitmaier, Pavel
Analýza a porovnání britského bulvárního a seriózního tisku

This undergraduate thesis examines the linguistic, stylistic, and content-related characteristics of British serious and tabloid newspapers, with a particular focus on The Guardian and The Sun, which represent opposing political ideologies. By analyzing and contrasting these characteristics, the research&#...

Šišková, Hana
Rozdělení severu a jihu v Anglii

The thesis deals with the North-South divide in England and aims to find out whether this divide truly exists and to discover more about the disparities between the northern and the southern parts of the country from different points of view. The thesis is divided into&#x...

Necuda, Daniel
Příručka k žití na cizí planetě: Využití kulturní inteligence k porozumění Duny Franka Herberta

This bachelor thesis focuses on the science fiction novel Dune by Frank Herbert. A large part of the novel's story is set on the planet Arrakis, where the protagonist, Paul Atreides, has to undergo to process of acculturation into a foreign culture. The thesis deals m...

Tesař, Dominik
Analýza neologismů ze světa počítačových her a jejich používání v každodenní řeči

The aim of the thesis is to showcase frequent neologism usage among the gaming community, explain why it is a frequent phenomenon and analyse the processes that produce them. The theoretical part explains the most typical types of word formation, and furthermore ...

Jírový, Filip
Politeness Theory projekt: Soumrak dne a Večer tříkrálový, aneb, Cokoliv chcete

This paper concerns itself with the analysis and comparison of two fictional characters. The first character is the butler Stevens from the novel The Remains of the Day written by Kazuo Ishiguro. The second one is the majordomo Stevens, a character from one of Shakespeare'...

Valečková, Jana
Využití populární hudby v sociální a mediální výuce na střední škole

This study investigates a possible use of popular music to teach social justice and media literacy to secondary school students. A 31-question survey was distributed via social media and answers received from 47 respondents. My study shows a strong correlation between the application&#x...

Hostaš, Jan
Význam britské královské rodiny v současné době

This thesis deals with the importance of the British monarchy today. The first part is devoted to the history of the monarchy from its inception until the first half of the 20th century. The second part deals with the personalities and problems of the royal family in...

Šmídová, Karolína
Fanfikce skrz interkulturální teorii

This thesis aims to analyse how intercultural values are reflected in chosen works of fan fiction written in English.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 224