Název: Design, service and testing grounds stress spectra and their using to fatigue life assessment of bus bodyworks
Autoři: Kepka, Miloslav
Kepka, Miloslav
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: KEPKA, M., KEPKA, M. Design, service and testing grounds stress spectra and their using to fatigue life assessment of bus bodyworks. In MATEC Web of Conferences. New York: Curran Associates, Inc., 2018. s. 1099-1104. ISBN 978-1-5108-6386-6 , ISSN 2261-236X.
Datum vydání: 2018
Nakladatel: Curran Associates, Inc.
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: 2-s2.0-85048131176
ISBN: 978-1-5108-6386-6
ISSN: 2261-236X
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: design spectra;proving ground;accelerated test;fatigue
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: In the development of a road vehicle such as a bus, the input data for the assessment of the fatigue life of the body and other mechanicalparts of the vehicle are gradually refined. In the initial phase of the development of a new vehicle, so-called design stress spectra are used. It is necessary to estimate the design spectrum parameterscorrectly. At the vehicle's prototype testing phase,the so-called service stress spectracan be evaluated. It is essential to determine the characteristic operating modes of the vehicle and to record representative stress-time historiesof the critical sections of the construction nodes and vehicle components. Accelerated driving test of fatigue life can be performed on special test routes. The acceleration of such a fatigue test is dependent on the test track composition. The paper generally describes the methodology of such a process and demonstrates it using unique real-time data acquired during the development of abus.
Práva: © Curran Associates
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KKS)
Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KMM)

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