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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorMusil Jan, Prof. JUDr. CSc.
dc.contributor.authorNovák, Čeněk
dc.contributor.refereeVavera František, Doc. JUDr. Ph.D., LL.M.
dc.description.abstractTato diplomová práce, nazvaná Kriminálněpolitické, právní a kriminologické aspekty drogové kriminality , se zabývá komplexním průzkumem tzv. drogových trestných činů na území České republiky a v omezené míře i v kontextu celého světa. Práce se bude zaměřovat nejenom na právní úpravu problematiky drog, ale i na související problémy spjaté s drogovou problematikou, včetně aspektů politických a kriminologických. Rovněž bude věnována pozornost úvahám a snahám o dekriminalizaci drog na území České republiky i ve světě a úpravám De lege lata a De lege ferenda.cs
dc.format96 s. (300 967 znaku)
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení
dc.subjectdrogové trestné činycs
dc.subjectomamné a psychotropní látkycs
dc.subjecttrestní zákoníkcs
dc.titleKriminálněpolitické, právní a kriminologické aspekty drogové kriminality.cs
dc.title.alternativeCriminal-political, legal and criminological aspects of drug crime.en
dc.typediplomová práce
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta právnická
dc.thesis.degree-programPrávo a právní věda
dc.description.abstract-translatedThis thesis aims to explore one of the most dangerous and socially undesirable phenomena of modern society, that being the issue of drugs and the related crime. Drugs permeate human life at the level of both individuals and society as a whole. Because the issue is so extensive, there is no expectation that this work will cover every aspect of it. Instead, the aim is to provide a basic insight into this issue from the aspects of criminal policy, law and criminology. The first chapter deals with the basic terminology related to the issue of illegal drugs and their division into different classes such as stimulants, hallucinogens, etc. The next chapter looks at the legislators' efforts to regulate addictive substances from the creation of the Czech state to the present day, with most attention being paid to Act No. 40/2009 Coll. It then presents international documents concerning drug offences and their reflection in domestic law is subsequently analysed. The thesis' penultimate part looks at the specifics of drug crime, that being "primary crime", directly related to drugs, such as distribution, trafficking and so on, and it also looks at crime that is indirectly related to drugs, mainly of the property type, by which drug addicts secure financial means to buy narcotic and psychotropic substances, in this case it concerns "secondary crime". At the same time, an attempt has been made to give a basic characterization of the perpetrators of these crimes, including those who are addicts as well as perpetrators engaged in drug crime on an almost professional level, in this case, professional criminals who are members of various mafias, crime syndicates and other organized groups. The final part discusses the lex ferenda and lex lata view of the drug problem. It looks at various efforts to legalize drugs, the arguments of the supporters of this path and also the counterarguments to these efforts from those that support the current status quo. The penultimate section gives a brief excursion to some countries where there has been a relaxation of legislation towards drugs, in particular the so-called soft drugs, namely the USA, the Netherlands and Portugal. The final part looks at attempts to legalize drugs in the Czech Republic, which also focuses mainly on soft drugs, primarily marijuana.en
dc.subject.translateddrug-related offencesen
dc.subject.translatednarcotic and psychotropic substanceen
dc.subject.translatedpenal codeen
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KTR)

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