Title: Koncept regionotvornosti : Aplikace na region Pobaltí
Other Titles: New regionalism concept: Application to the Baltic region
Authors: Taušek, Václav
Advisor: Cabada, Ladislav
Referee: Šanc, David
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: diplomová práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/10394
Keywords: Pobaltí;NRA;Nový regionalismus;Litva;Lotyšsko;Estonsko
Keywords in different language: Baltic region;NRA;New Regionalism;Lithuania;Latvia;Estonia
Abstract: Práce se zabývá aplikací heirarchického konceptu B. Hettneho na region Pobaltí (Litva, Lotyšsko a Estonsko). K analýze je použita sektorová analýza pěti sektorů: geografický region, bezpečnostní komplex, institucionalizace, občanská společnost, a region jako mezinárodní aktér.Práce se vymezuje historicky od zisku nezávislosti po současnost.
Abstract in different language: Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Baltic countries have become sovereign region in the Central European Europe. The region occupies strategic position in the East coast of the Baltic sea. In 1991, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia gained independence. After re-establishment of independent statehood of tree countries, it was proved that the need for making common structures and decisions is natural. The common structures were firstly made with a know-how and support of international organizations and actors from outsider of the area. The thesis is focused on examining the Baltic region. Whole study is based on theoretical approach of New Regionalism Approach by the Björn Hettne. Work is divided into theoretical and practical part. New Regionalism Approach works with a hierarchical concept of levels. First part works with the concepts New regionalism approach, regioness regionalism, region, Baltic region, Baltic Sea region, Scandinavia or Nordic countries. Second part is devoted to sector analysis, divided into five different parts. These parts are: region as a geographical concept, region as a regional security complex, region as an institution, region as a civil society and finally region as a collective actor. The result of the sector analysis will show the level of regioness in the region. In the conclusion, I summarized all the analysis and confirm or denied hypotheses of my study. I also answered the questions I put in the beginning of the work. Study wanted to show if the Baltic region is due to the New regionalism approach established region and work on the all five levels of regioness. This hypothesis was denied due to the result analysis. But it was confirmed that regioness is getting deeper since the region broke up with USSR.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Diplomové práce / Theses (KAP)

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