Title: Média a experiment
Other Titles: Media and experiment
Authors: Rubriciusová, Kristýna
Advisor: Merta Vladimír, Doc. akademický malíř
Referee: Trnka Pavel, MgA. Mgr.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/42006
Keywords: rostliny;kresba;linie;propiska
Keywords in different language: plants;drawing;line;ballpoint pen
Abstract: Ve výsledném díle je sedm obrazů na MDF deskách, které jsou šepsované a zbroušené do hladka. Na každé z desek je jeden návrh rostliny, který se liší podle polohy v mapě a podle struktury rostliny, kterou jsem v mapě našla. Tyto rostliny jsou namalovány klasickou propiskou. Střídají se zde ve stavbě rostliny silné a slabé linie, přerušované čáry jsou zobrazením cest. Některé z cest tvoří listy, jiné květenství a další drží tyto prvky . Obrazy budou pověšeny ve výšce očí dál od zdi, aby měli prostor a mohli dýchat. Budou zavěšeny na saturně. Na zadní části budou přivázány za přidělaná očka. Zavěšeny budou vedle sebe v řadě.
Abstract in different language: The main topic chosen for this bachelor thesis is Media and Experiment. This was a combination of different processes and materials. I decided to build my bachelor's thesis on a work from a previous year. My goal was to move forward with this work. In the previous work, I chose a pen drawing on a large-format paper. The topic was a series of photos from my childhood where I played with the purity of the space and left out every insignificant detail, until I was left with an interesting motif from the photo. I enlarged this series of edited photos and transferred them on a large white paper with a ballpoint pen. I created seven paintings this way. This was the project which I wanted to move forward with in my bachelor's thesis. I kept the pen as a medium and looked for new possibilities for experimentation and new topics. The idea came to me when I was looking for a new route I could start running. Looking at the maps, I noticed the beautiful articulation of roads and paths. The closer the roads were to the heart of the city, the more organized they were. Unlike the places that interfered with the landscape forming more relaxed lines. I wanted to use this human drawing, use my previous work and create a whole new view of the city and its surroundings. As the topic of the drawing, I chose plants, flora that I wanted to return to an organized and artificially built city, a work of a human. I chose seven paintings as my final work. The base was an MDF board I put gesso on and then smoothed it out with sandpaper. As part of the experiment, I wanted to choose this method, which I have never seen anywhere before, and I was attracted by the idea of a pen drawing on a smooth gesso. I created the plants randomly, according to my own idea. They were supplemented by a scale, which I placed in the upper left corner.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KVU)

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