Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 49
Sádlíková, Martina
Rozmanitost koprofilních druhů hub v závislosti na typu substrátu

22 different species of coprophilous fungi were discovered on different types of substrate during one year of research. One species was from the Mucoromycotina subkingdom, one from the Basidiomycota phylum and 20 were from the Ascomycota phylum.. Except for the common species of co...

Nolčová, Lucie
Fenotypová plasticita rodu Desmodesmus jako odpověď na stres vyvolaný těžkými kovy.

The aims of this thesis were to observe phenotypic plasticity of Desmodesmus communis in reaction to two heavy metals - chromium and cadmium. During each experiment morphological proportions of individual cells, whole cenobium, range of spines and length of spines were recorded. The...

Hlinková, Daniela
Sledování výskytu prstnatce májového (Dactylorhiza majalis) v mokřadu u Koterova v Plzni

This diploma thesis is focused on an occurence of the protected species Dactylorhiza majalis (Western March Orchid) in a wet non-forest site near the Plzeň city (in the zone Koterov). This site "Mokřad na Černickém potoce the Wetland at Černický potok stream" with w...

Chaloupka, Marek
Současný stav populace mlžů (Bivalvia, Unionidae) ve třech rybnících: Šídlovský rybník, Nováček a rybník Košinář

This master thesis was concerned with the research of freshwater molluscs in the Bolevec lake system. The research took place in the localities of the lakes of Nováček, Košinář and Šídlovský rybník between September and October 2013. The mentioned lakes are important recreation and...

Viová, Pavlína
Botanický průzkum zaniklých obcí Korytany, Lískovec, Mýtnice, Pila a Valtířov

This thesis studies the areas of interest of extinct settlements Korytany, Liskovec, Mýtnice, Pila and Valtířov that are found in the protected landscape area Český les. The aim of this work was to give a comprehensive picture of the current status of plant associations in...

Pražanová, Barbora
Diverzita vodních a mokřadních malakocenóz v PR Petrovka a přilehlé části povodí bolevecké rybniční soustavy

The inventory research and observations on a diversity of wetland malacofauna in the Nature Reserve Petrovka in Plzeň Bolevec are the main topic of presented thesis. Research in this area continued from April to November 2013. Molluscs were sampled at 20 localities. In ...

Hajšmanová, Petra
Mykologický průzkum Zoologické a botanické zahrady města Plzně

Mycological research in the Zoological and botanical garden in Pilsen was realized since October 2012 until April 2014. I found 112 species of macromycetes; 18 species of them are included in Ascomycota and 94 belong to Basidiomycota. Three rare species were found in this loca...

Machulka, Aleš
Mapování ruderální vegetace v Plzni- Košutce, mapové listy: Plzeň 9-2/3 a Plzeň 9-2/4

This thesis is focused on a study of two map grids. Map grids are called Plzeň 9-2/3 and Plzeň 9-2/4. The studied region has an area of 2,5 km2. On this map sheets was research of ruderal flora and vegetation. To evaluate invasive plant species and ru...

Freylach, Jan
Návrh naučné stezky na Žďáru u Rokycan

The concept of the educational trail on Žďár u Rokycan is focused on characteristic of this area and realization itself. The educational trail is intended first of all for high school students, who can meet there the landscape and nature outside the classroom. Also the wi...

Nyklíčková, Markéta
Fauna brouků (Coleoptera) Přírodní rezervace Zábělá

This thesis maps the fauna of beetles in the nature reserve Zábělá in Pilsen. The survey is the first systematic survey of beetles of this protected area. The work also includes analysis of the literature dealing with research of beetles in other areas of the Czech R...

Poustková, Jana
Botanický průzkum a srovnání lokalit Jelení vrch a Zlatý vrch (okr. Chomutov)

This theses is about plans on the hills Jelení and Zlatý vrch. It lies near Kadaň in Chomutov division in Ústecký region. There were made research from April 2013 to January 2014. First object was making an inventory table. On the hill Jelení vrch and Zlatý vrch ...

Kučera, Vladimír
Malakofauna údolí Úhlavy mezi Plzní a Štěnovicemi

The inventory research in the area between Štěnovice and Plzeň-Doudlevce observed 41 species of terrestric and freshwater molluscs. With a few exceptions, the mollusks are represented by common, widespread species, some of then typical for woodland, semi-opened habitats. Species Anisus...

Říha, Petr
Řád brouci (Coleoptera) v učebnicích pro ZŠ a SŠ a možnosti výuky tohoto tématu s důrazem na aktivní zapojení žáků

The thesis is focused on the analysis of subject matter related to the topic Beetles. The theoretical part contains an additional information about the morphology, anatomy and the importance of beetles in nature. In the chapter "Methodics" provides procedures for collecting beetles...

Čechová, Kateřina
Botanická studie lesních porostů mezi řekou Berounkou a obcí Nynice

This work deals with flora and vegetation between Berounka river and Nynice village. Then the list of plant species was created from data (supplement 1). 219 taxons were found in the studied area. All of these species were described in term of ecological demands, life for...

Benediktová, Lucie
Botanické zpracování vodních a mokřadních společenstev důlních propadlišť u Mantova.

The aim was to make an inventory of botanical and phytosociological process and evaluate current macrophyte vegetation and vegetation adjacent shores of the lakes and the surrounding area. On the basic of field observations then create lists of plant species, consider the impact of...

Krejčíková, Aneta
Diverzita vodních a mokřadních malakocenóz povodí Vejprnického potoka

This work is focused on the diverzity of aquatic and wetland molluscs entire basin Vejprnický potok creek and surrounding area. Research has been made from February, 2013 to November, 2013 and shows the current status of selected sites malacofauna stream. The research was conducted...

Kokošková, Kristýna
Botanicky zaměřená naučná stezka zámeckým parkem v Blovicích

The main objective of this work was to create a proposal of botanically oriented nature trail in the castle park in Blovice, which could be implemented in the future. Realization of a natural trail is a rather complicated step. However, a suggestion should be presented to...

Benediktová, Lenka
Fauna brouků (Coleoptera) EVL Kladské rašeliny

The objective of this thesis was to monitor the beetle (Coleoptera) occurrence in Kladské rašeliny as the Site of Community Importance (belonging to SCI). During a year-long research I took a total of nine excursions to Kladská peat lands and collected 839 beetle specimens the...

Vogeltanzová, Jana
Mapování ruderální flóry a vegetace v Plzni Bílé Hoře, mapové listy: Plzeň 7-3/1 a Plzeň 7-3/3

The objective of this thesis was to map the ruderal vegetation of district Bílá Hora, which is part of Plzeň city, during vegetation seasons 2012 and 2013. Examined area was split in two map zones 7-3/1 and 7-3/3, which were divided into extravilan and intravilan.&#x...

Posavádová, Lucie
Analýza vývoje průmyslové výroby v česko-bavorském pohraničí

The master theses deals with analysis of industrial production in the Czech - Bavarian border region at the district level. The theses is devided into several parts. The first part evaluates the available literature and creating a research methodology. The second part deals with&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 49