Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 461 až 480 z 945
Walzer, Václav
Nigérie jako regionální mocnost.

The topic of my thesis is Nigeria as a regional power. The goal of my thesis is to find out, if is Nigeria truly a regional hegemon. As I found out, the theory of regional hegemony is not unified. Each author who is exploring this field has his own the...

Pechová, Vendula
Stranický systém Austrálie a Nového Zélandu - komparace

The them of this work compares about of party systems in Australia and New Zealand. The theoretical part focus on the characteristics of party systems in Australia and New Zealand refers to the typology of Giovanni Sartori. Sartori´s typology discusses about several types of p...

Bartůňková, Kateřina
Kyrgyzstán na cestě k demokracii?

As the theme of my work, I chose a case study of Kyrgyzstan. I divided the work into several chapters. The first one deals with the general characteristics of the country, which has facilitated the reader insight into the topic. Continuing chapter on the importance of...

Šich, Jakub
Impérium jako aktér mezinárodního systému starověkého Středomoří a Přední Asie.

This bachelor thesis outlines crucial stage of the Persian Empire. It discribes how the peripheral region of Near East became the dominant political actor of the ancienit times. That is the core of my thesis. Which chronologically outlines the historical evolution of the Pers...

Kubičková, Veronika
Politický systém rentiérských států - Kuvajt

Potential thesis focuses on rentier states political system, with particular stress placed on Kuwait. The first part of thesis is theoretical. The author defines terms rent or rentier state. Further, the thesis analyses the correlation of oil and the lack of democracy in the&...

Hýblová, Kristýna
Příčiny pádu Liberální strany v Kanadě po federálních volbách v roce 2011

The main aim of the bachelor thesis is analyse the causes of the fall of The Liberal Party in Canada in federal elections in 2011. In the first part is described Liberal Party and it's historical background such as Sponsorship Scandal, which had an impact on Libe...

Malafa, Marek
Transformace veřejné diplomacie USA po skončení studené války

This paper describes the development of US public diplomacy, starting around the end of Great war as the author tries to point out some important aspects of events, that helped to form american public diplomacy. The main focus however, lies in the Cold war and post C...

Rašková, Sabina
Panafrické integrační projekty

The main topic of my bachelor thesis focuses on the panafrical integration processes. In this thesis, I divide the pan-africanism into two main branches. The first branch did not originate in Africa, but in America, where enslaved Africans fought against the repression. In the ...

Rechová, Magdalena
Česká republika a režimy porušující lidská práva: případové studie vztahu ČR ke Kubě, Bělorusku a Číně

This bachelor thesis deals with relations between the Czech Republic and regimes that violate human rights, specifically Cuba, Belarus and China. The Czech Republic, like all these three countries, had experience with communistic regime and violation of human rights in the 20th century,...

Platzer, Ondřej
Evropský regionalismus - transhraniční regiony (Střední Evropa, Balkán)

This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of Novopazarski Sandzak region. Thesis should provide basic information about the region, excursion into its history, religion and relations with neighboring countries. Main goal of this bachelor thesis is historical analysis of the entire region&...

Bezkočka, Leoš
Politická ideologie: český liberalismus po roce 1993

The present thesis introduces a political ideology Czech liberalism after 1993. The core of the text is a debate about privatization, we are looking for specific features in the Czech liberalism in the 1990's. The ideological base of two key liberal parties ODA and ODS...

Vandělík, Tomáš
Zahraniční politika USA vůči Číně od 70. let do současnosti

My Bachelor thesis deals with the development of U.S.-China business relations since the 1970s. The development is described by bilateral import, export trends and statistics together with trade balance. The time period covers the administrations of eight American presidents. No matter if&#x...

Kocumová, Kateřina
Komparace stranického systému ČR a SR

This bachelor thesis focuses on comparison of political party systems of Czech Republic and Slovakia. It mostly deals with the 21st centruy, thus the last three electoral periods in both countries. The first part of the thesis presents typologies of political party systems by ...

Zíková, Zdeňka
Transformace energetické politiky USA

The goal of this bachelor thesis is to analyse how the energy policy of the United States of America was transformed during the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The first chapter of the paper is theoretical. It covers definitions and principles of energ...

Tučková, Hedvika
Nová Kaledonie a její úsilí o zisk nezávislosti

Thesis is focused on New Caledonia's effort to gain independence of France, it looks into the development of the effort over the time, as well as current situation and contemporary status of the territory. The aim of this text is to present the position of New Ca...

Toušková, Andrea
Nová demokratická strana (NDP) jako nová "brokerage party"?

The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to find out whether New Democratic Party (NDP) has a potential to become a brokerage party. Firstly thesis introduces a characteristic of brokerage party and then it presents a brief outline of the history of NDP. Then the th...

Šneberková, Lucie
Nový Zéland a jeho role v prostoru jižního Pacifiku

This bachelor thesis deals with the role of New Zealand in the South Pacific region and the main goal of the thesis is to describe New Zealand as a middle power and to describe its endeavour to spread moral values and middle power policy in the South Pacific...

Thomková, Kateřina
Otázka nezávislosti Skotska v programech britských politických stran (komparace postojů britských celostátních i regionálních politických stran ke skotskému secesionismu)

This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of secession in Scotland. More exactly the question of the independence of Scotland in the programs of British political parties since 1997 (comparison of the attitudes of British national and regional political parties to the secessionism ...

Syrová, Lenka
Malé ostrovní rozvojové státy - skrze spolupráci k emancipaci?

The aim of this bachelor thesis is an influence of cooperation between worldwide organizations, other states, and the Small island developing states (SIDS). States which belong to the group of SIDS are vulnerable because of their location and are dependent on international aid. The...

Strnadová, Kateřina
Zobrazení LGBT hnutí v současné americké literatuře

This bachelor thesis deals with the depiction of homosexuals in contemporary American literature, and the reflection of LGBT movement, namely in the works Howl by Allen Ginsberg, A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood, and Faggots and The Normal Heart by Larry Kramer. The first ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 461 až 480 z 945