Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2013 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 33 z 33
Komiň, Kamil
Výukový kurz automatizační techniky pro SŠ

This course gives students techniques automatic comprehensive perspective on lifts and things associated with them. It is limited by the number of pages and therefore has not been possible to cover all the specificity that would otherwise greatly exceed its contents. This ap...

Bezjak, Jožica , Slosar, Mirko , Kofol, Tarcizija
Projectwork of model PUD-BJ "From idea to product" the early introduction of techniques on the way from preschool to vocational and technical education istrian music - maize violin

Medpredmetno povezovanje Tehnike in glasbe z obliko projektnega učnega dela po modelu PUD-BJ, od ideje do izdelka, pomaga uvajati učence k poklicnemu usposabljanju tehnike. Eden od načinov projektnega dela se izvaja vsako leto v okviru mednarodnega projekta „HOMO U JISTRO“, kjer...

Knieová, Veronika
Predikční validita testu školní zralosti a manuálních (psychomotorických) dovedností na 1. st ZŠ

The diploma thesis titled as "Predication Validity of First Grade Elementary School Pupils' School Maturity and Manual Psychomotor Skills" deals with the predication validity of tests aimed at the verification of school maturity and psychomotor skills of the elementary school...

Krystian, Tuczyński , Warchoł, Tomasz , Kardyś, Damian , Białogłowski, Robert
Stanowisko do badania czujników temperaturowych

Skonstruowane przez autorów stanowisko służy do badania wpływu temperatury na czujniki i elementy termoelektroniczne.

Kábrt, Vladimír
Divadelní paravany

An article describes production and utilization of folding theatre screens. The screens can be useful in the theatre, in the threatre school - everywhere where you want to separate space. The screens are folding, their width is variable, so you can take them in a&#...

Janča, Adam
Univerzální herní plán

In this article is described the concept of universal gaming plan, which can be used especially for miniatures games and story games. The article focuses specifically on the creation of a assemble pad, which is the main element of the universal game plan. This prod...

Horváth, Martin
Reštaurovanie historického automobilu

Témou našej práce bolo priblížiť problematiku získania historického vozidla. V prvej kapitole sme sa venovali dostupnosti získania historického automobilu. V druhej kapitole sú uvedené jednotlivé práce pri demontáži dielov, rekonštrukcii motora, karosérie a ostatné práce. Tretia kapitola hovor...

Fadrhonc, Jan
Prodlužující nástavec

The article describes the production process extension adapter for conventional chairs and tables to set their height, depending on the needs of ergonomics.

Drahovzal, Pavel
Elektrotechnická stavebnice s fotodetektory pro výuku na druhém stupni ZŠ

The thesis, based on analysis of current electrotechnical construction sets focused on revealing it´s often deficiencies, designes a new construction set, which would eliminate these deficiencies and bring a new and fresh spark into the world of electrotechnical construction sets...

Doležel, Jan
Výukové pomůcky v praxi učitele odborného výcviku

The bachelor thesis deals with educational aids in the practice of a teacher of technical training. Introduction briefly summarizes history of utilization of teaching aids and their function in general. Teaching aids in a special classroom of electrical engineering are addressed...

Dobiáš, Michal
Meranie teploty pracovného prostredia

Autor v príspevku uvádza metodiku merania teploty pracovného prostredia použiteľnú ako návod na praktické cvičenia v príprave budúcich učiteľov technických predmetov. Uvedená metodika korešponduje s platnými normami a rešpektuje didaktickú zásadu spojenia teórie s praxou. Článok zároveň uvádza...

Broumská, Jana
Výuková pomůcka pro obor zubní technik

This bachelor thesis is focused on making and purpose of teaching aids application. The initial part is dedicated to creation of teaching materials generally including a brief history of dental replacements The main aim of the thesis was to create a teaching aid and implement&...

Baťko, Jan
Velikonoční řehtačka

This paper presents the production of easter clapper, which is a symbol of Easter. Explains the easter traditions, that relate to easter clappers. Production was carried in the school subject called SPRA (School practics A). It was the production of a functional replica ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 33 z 33