Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 91 z 91
Dvořák, Michal
Požadavky na elektrická zařízení a instalace ve výbušných atmosférách

The submitted diploma thesis deals with the design of electrical equipment and installations in areas with a risk of explosion of gases, vapors and dusts. The thesis shows the basic procedures for determining the zones of explosion and shows the requirements for equipment and ...

Novák, Karel
Návrh telemetrického rozvaděče pro plynovou regulační stanici

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the design of a telemetry switchgear for a gas control station, including the entire control system, which is an integral part of it. The work is divided into four parts; the first describes the gas distribution system, types of&...

Hanč, Pavel
Návrh trakčního alternátoru

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the calculation of the design of a traction alternator with a power of 1 MW. Description of possible solutions and structural arrangements. The main topics of this work are the design of the traction alternator itself, verification of...

Svědínek, Tomáš
Návrh rozšíření distribuční sítě nízkého napětí

The diploma thesis focuses on the design of distribution network extension in a new connected locality in the Lipí village, where the construction of twenty-one new family houses is planned. Firstly, network element used in LV and MV distribution network are specified. The practica...

Tošner, Svatoslav
Návrh jednoúčelového zařízení řízeného pomocí PLC

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the construction of a single-purpose machine controlled by programmable-logic controller (PLC), including the creation of electrical documentation in the CAE system Eplan Electric P8 and the design of complete software for PLC and visualization usin...

Bárta, Jan
Návrh rekonstrukce distribuční sítě nízkého napětí

This thesis studies renovations of low-voltage distribution networks. The introduction discusses distribution networks and reasons for their reconstructions. The core of the thesis is formed by a design for a concrete case of a reconstruction triggered by a customer's complaint. The reco...

Timko, Jan
Modernizace elektrických ochran vybraných vývodů ve vlastní spotřebě výrobního bloku elektrárny

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the replacement of electrical protections of selected outlets in the own consumption of the main production unit of NPP Temelín, specifically digital two-winding protections RET316 * 4 with digital electrical protections manufactured by ABB REG670&#...

Kristová, Petra
Monitorování environmentálních veličin s centrálním zpracováním dat

The master thesis presents the design of a system for data collection of environmental variables using measuring nodes. The obtained values are further processed in a user application. First, some selected IoT technologies that can be used to transfer data to the central unit are m...

Baross, Martin
Citlivostní analýza geometrických faktorů na rozložení výkonu v palivovém souboru VVER-440

The presented diploma thesis deals with sensitivity analysis of geometric factors on the power distribution in the VVER-440 fuel assembly. This thesis describes nuclear reactor followed by an introduction to reactor physics. The following chapters deal with engineering factors and power dist...

Málek, Vilém
3-fázový neřízený můstkový usměrňovač pro zkoušení trakčních střídačů

The presented diploma thesis is focused on the design of an uncontrolled rectifier for testing traction inverters. The goal was to design a rectifier according to the specified nominal values and perform selected simulations using the Matlab Simulink program. The theoretical part contai...

Míka, Matěj
Čidla otáček a polohy v elektrických regulovaných pohonech

This thesis deals with applications of speed and position sensors in regulated electric drives. The text is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on analysing the problematic of regulated electric drives and describes the current state of knowledge. Particularly, sensorless d...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 91 z 91