Number 1-3 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 15 z 15
Zobel, Valentin , Reininghaus, Jan , Hotz, Ingrid
Generalized heat kernel signatures

Zhang, Yuhang , Hartley, Richard , Mashford, John , Wang, Lei , Burn, Stewart
Pipeline reconstruction from fisheye images

Yusov, Edgar , Shevtsov, Maxim
High-performance terrain rendering using hardware tessellation

Vaaraniemi, Michael , Treib, Marc , Westermann, Rüdiger
High-quality cartographic roads on high-resolution DEMs

Schulze, Florian , Major, David , Bühler, Katja
Fast and memory efficient feature detection using multiresolution probabilistic boosting trees

Sellent, Anita , Eisemann, Martin , Magnor, Marcus
Robust feature point matching in general multi-image

Pasewaldt, Sebastian , Trapp, Matthias , Döllner, Jürgen
Multiscale visualization of 3D geovirtual environments using view-dependent multi-perspective views

Mukovskiy, Albert , Slotine, Jean-Jacques E. , Giese, Martin A.
Analysis and design of the dynamical stability of collective behavior in crowds

Mückl, Gregor , Dachsbacher, Carsten
Deducing explicit from implicit visibility for global illumination with antiradiance

Lawlor, Orion Sky , Genetti, Joe
Interactive volume rendering aurora on the GPU

Kang, Young-Min , Cho, Hwan-Gue , Kim, Sung-Soo
Plausible and realtime rendering of scratched metal by deforming MDF of normal mapped anisotropic surface

Domonkos, Balázs , Csébfalvi, Balázs
Evaluation of the linear box-spline filter from trilinear texture samples: a feasibility study

Denker, Klaus , Umlauf, Georg
Accurate real-time multi-camera stereo-matching on the GPU for 3D reconstruction

Borland, David
Ambient occlusion opacity mapping for visualization of internal molecular structure

Cullen, Brian , O’Sullivan, Carol
A caching approach to real-time procedural generation of cities from GIS data

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 15 z 15