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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Hirt, Tomáš
Eriksen, Thomas H.: 2007. Antropologie multikulturních společností: rozumět identitě. Triton : Praha/Kroměříž

Budilová, Lenka
Studium příbuzenství a sociální antropologie

The article is about the study of kinship and the social anthropology. Till the 60`s of 20th century was study of kinship the main part of social anthropology, at the beginning of 90`s came a revival of this studies. The article contains about the main theorie...

Toušek, Ladislav
Zaměřované interview a focus groups. Mertonův příspěvek k metodologii sociálních věd

The article attempts to examine broadly the origin and the application of the focused interview method which was developed by Robert K. Merton in the 1940´s during his cooperation with Paul Lazarsfeld in the field of communication research. Although this method is freq...

Henig, David

This article contains about the transnationalism, its short history and mainly the current situation. There is also a description of transnational anthropology and the results of the anthropological research are mentioned.

Hirt, Tomáš
Přehled nejasností spjatých s konceptem etnicity v perspektivě post-barthovských přístupů

The article contains of the list of the unclearness connected with the concept of ethnicity in perspective of post-Barth`s approaches.

Tošner, Michal
Lidská práva

This Article is about human rights, especially about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the 10 December 1948 in Paris. The article also contains the description of the opinions and attitudes to the human...

Zíková, Tereza
Rozvoj a rozvojová antropologie

The article contains about development and the anthropology of development. The birth of the developing diskurs and its institutional ground is described. Also the theory of modernization and its critics are mentioned.

Günter, Vladislav
Cizinci v ČR

The article The Foreigners in the Czech Republic describes the current situation of migrants in Czech Republic. The main part of article contains of the Czech policy of migration. At the end the list of Czech organizations concerning with problems of migration is added....

Henig, David

This article describes the main theories and typologies of migration.

Hirt, Tomáš
Přehled základních tezí modernistického pojetí nacionalismu

This article contains about the main and basic thesis of modernistic concepts of nationalism: modernism, primordialism, constructivism and instrumentalism. Furthermore, the roofs and social and culture context of nationalism are described.

Toušek, Ladislav
Sociální vyloučení a prostorová segregace

This article contains about the social exclusion and the residence segregation. In the article is shortly described the concept of the social exclusion and reasons of it. Furthermore, forms of the residence segregation are described: ghetto, banlieues and slum.

Svoboda, Michal
Biografická metoda v antropologii

This article is a short introduction to the biographical method, especially in the discipline social and cultural anthropology. Short history and recent topics are given.

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12