Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KRF) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 131
Matznerová, Michaela
Symboly Francie

This work analyses French national symbols from cultural and intercultural point of view. Analysed symbols are French National Anthem, French National Flag, French National Emblem, Gallic rooster, motto: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", July 14, Legion of Honour, Great Seal of France. E...

Kovačová, Kristýna
Donští kozáci (tradice, kultura, zvyky)

This thesis is devided into three chapters. It deals with historical facts concerning The Don Cossaks as well as the existence and presence of contemporary Cossaks organizations, their settlements and explanation of the term Cossak and the meaning of this rank. It gives information...

Halamková, Kateřina
Jezero Bajkal z hlediska ekologického a společenského

The topic of this Bachelors thesis is the lake Baikal. As an introduction there are summarized information regarding its general geographical characteristics of the natural formation including information about the location, extent, origin, climatic conditions, water specifications and unique flora&#x...

Golovko, Vyacheslav
Ruský jazyk na Ukrajině

Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of the Russian language in Ukraine. The work is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part deals with the historical development of the Russian language in Ukraine and the causes of the current linguistic situation. There were prohi...

Härtelová, Lucie
Animovaný film Máša a medvěd (současná a původní verze)

This thesis deals with animated TV series Masha and the bear. The first part is mostly theoretical and focuses on the history and development of animation itself. To improve the understanding, the forms of animation are stated. The first part also deals with the famous pe...

Váchalová, Šárka
Překlad povídky Slávy Brodského "Plaťjanoj škaf" s komentářem

In the first part this work is concerned with biography and creation of Russian writer Slava Brodsky. The second part explains the development, significance, aim, methods and procedures of literary translation. It mentions famous personages in history of translation too. Third part appl...

Mlnaříková, Marie
Moskevské metro (historie a význam v dopravě velkoměsta)

Bachelor thesis apprise with historical evolution of public transport in Moscow with focus on underground. It represents current situation, delineates future development and brings to mind the 80th anniversary of its ,,birth,,. It follows up station architecture and development of ticket due...

Beranová, Kateřina

The main goal of this work is to characterize the night, when the largest nuclear accident happened, the situation after the accident and its health, environmental and social-economic consequences. The thesis also deals with nuclear power plants of Russia, Ukraine and the world in&...

Součková, Jana
Pamětihodnosti Volgogradu

The bachelor thesis introduces an important historical sites located in Volgograd. In the thesis historical facts about the city, which contributed to the creation of significant historical and cultural monuments, are outlined. Monumental complexes, reservations, museums and memorials are described&#x...

Roučková, Soňa
Názvy oděvních doplňků v ruštině (obuv, pokrývky hlavy aj. - výběrově)

The theme of this thesis is to characterize the current vocabulary in the sphere of garment accessories in contemporary Russian language. The work consists of two chapters. The first describes the roots of clothing accessories, depending on how developed clothing. Special attention is&#...

Frumertová, Zuzana
Vůně Francie (Les Parfums de la France)

This work explains what is a perfume as a sensation in a flacon and also which aromas can be smelled from a French dish. When, where and how in was formed until the perfume as we know it today. Which are the basic odorous components, what is the pyramid...

Hulinová, Monika
Zobrazení muže arivisty ve vybrané tvorbě G. de Maupassanta a Stendhala

The bachelor's thesis pursues the topic of the depiction of an upstart man in the chosen pieces of G. de Maupassant and Stendhal. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the artistic movements (the realism and the naturalism), and last but not least the hist...

Šatánková, Adéla
Francouzština v Québecu

This thesis deals with a Quebec variety of french. It describes the developpement of Quebec from its first colonizations until the 21st century. This thesis contains searching for particularities of Quebec French in M. Tremblay´s book Le cahier noir.

Palečková, Lenka
Eduard Uspenskij - Tři z Prostokvašina (animovaná a tištěná tvorba)

This work is focused on one of the most important work for chidlren in 20th century in russian called Uncle Fyodor, his dog and his cat. First part of the work includes describtion of children literature in general and the biography of Eduard Uspenskij. Second part&...

Petříková, Nina
Festival de Cannes (Filmový festival v Cannes)

The bachelor's thesis pursues the topic of the Cannes Film Festival as a worldwide culture event. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the history of the Cannes Film Festival. The important dates, the turning points which determined the progress of the Festival...

Široká, Pavlína
Zámořská území Francie (DROM)

The main objective of this thesis is to introduce overseas territories of France, which are fully integrated part of France and use the abbreviation DROM, to clarify what is their relationship to metropolitan France in the legal status and what are the causes leading to t...

Horáková, Lucie
Francouzská "Haute Couture"

This thesis is focused on french fashion "haute couture". The first part outlines french fashion from the historical point of view. It is also important to explain the term "haute couture". We introduce the main characters of french "haute couture". The next...

Matoušková, Julie
Tvorba Anastasii Jermakovové a překlad povídky "Tykva"

This work in the first chapter deals with the history and theory of literary translation, the second chapter is devoted creation a resume writer Anastasia Jermakova, brief description of the "women's prose" and analysis a short story 'Gourd'. In the third chapter i...

Ryndyk, Julie
Mamayev Kurgan - jedno ze sedmi divů Ruska

Mamayev Kurgan is a dominant height overlooking the city of Volgograd. At this place in The second World War the most important battle, The battle of Stalingrad. The battle was a decisive Soviet victory over German army. After the war there was constructed on of the ...

Žídková, Kateřina
Státní Treťjakovská galerie (historie, současnost, tematický slovník)

This bachelor work includes basic information about State Tretyakov Gallery, history Tretyakov Gallery associated with the founder P.M. Tretyakov,present and selected images.Part of this work are two dictionaries - monolingual and bilingual, consisting of terms of art used in the literature.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 131