Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KRF) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 131
Kotlaříková, Kateřina
Barvy ve francouzském jazyce a civilizaci (Les couleurs dans la langue et civilisation francaise)

This dissertation is dedicated to the study of colours in the French language and civilization. It examines the presence of colours in French set phrases, proverbes and sayings, and compares the formation of expressions in French and Czech. Il also deals with the grammar of&#x...

Kropíková, Radka
Alliance Française : L´histoire et les défis actuels (Francouzská aliance - historie a současné výzvy)

The aim for the study is to give insight into the institution "French Alliance". It concerns with its history, contemporary situation and its visions for the future. There are used two examples of two institution´s branches - Alliance Française de Plzeň and Alliance ...

Krčková, Martina
Kalendář Francouzů a normandské svátky (Le calendrier des Français et les fetes normandes)

The first part contains selected holidays in France. Another section is devoted to the region of Normandy and festivals that take place there.

Žižková, Tereza
Povolání (se zaměřením na aktuální slovní zásobu)

This thesis includes past, present and future Russian professions.

Haňáková, Michaela
Transsibiřská magistrála a její význam v dopravě Ruska

This bachelor thesis deals with the history of construction and geographical location of Trans-Siberian Railway and interesting facts about it. Provides basic information about areas and major economic centers, which crosses the Trans-Siberian Railway. Work includes details of the construction an...

Marchevková, Josefína
Lexikální přejímky z francouzštiny do ruštiny v historickém kontextu

This thesis analyses the lexical loanwords from the French language to the Russian language in the historical, political, and lexicological context. Borrowing of the words started during the reign of Tsar Peter the Great but it took place mainly through the second half of the&...

Dvořáková, Lucie
Anglicismy v současné francouzštině

The work focuses on relation between English and French from the past till now, especially on their exchanges of units of language. The work does not deal only with history of anglicisms but also with modern anglicisms. The point of the work is to classify the anglic...

Ďuráková, Michala
Horní Normandie (La Haute-Normandie)

Bachelor´s work deals with the French region "Upper Normandy", which is presented from diverse point of view. We can find there some information about geography, history, culture and some personalities related to this region. The work is intended for those individuals who are&...

Beranová, Lucie
Konkurence futur simple, futur proche a prézentu indikativu dezignující děj budoucí

This work deals with competition of "futur simple", "futur proche" and "présent indicatif" designating future actions. The work is divided into two main parts, a practical and a theoretical part. The theoretical part describes the means of expressing the future, thei...

Drábková, Markéta
Michail Vasiljevič Lomonosov

This thesis describes the important events and people who are closely connected with the person of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Hofrichterová, Eva
Proměna témat v tvorbě George Sandové

Ce mémoire parle de la vie et de l'oeuvre de l'écrivain français George Sand et des opinions sociales démodées contre lesquelles la femme du talent littéraire combattait. Il y a des idées qui ont influencés par son oeuvre littéraire et qui décrit les changements ...

Cihlář, Marek
Názvy barev ve francouzských frazeologismech a jejich české ekvivalenty

This final thesis deals with French idiomatic expressions which contain the names of the colours and their Czech equivalents. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the difference between French and Czech idiomatic expressions. In the first part of this thesis there are examples...

Blábolová, Lucie
Problematika vyjadřování minulosti vzhledem k systému minulých časů současné francouzštiny ve srovnání s češtinou (na materiálu vybraného neliterárního žánru)

This bechelor's thesis deals with the problems of expressing of the past owing to the system of past tenses of present-French in comparison with Czech language (on material of the selected non-literary genre). The aim of this work is to clarify the correct use of the&...

Matasová, Šárka
Samovar a jeho význam v ruské kultuře

This bachelor thesis summarizes information and materials which are associated with samovar and it importance in Russian culture. The thesis presents the primary information about samovar and look at the past as well. The thesis is focused on samovar, tea and customs they are ...

Hozmanová, Veronika
Obraz ženy ve vybrané tvorbě Emila Zoly

This work deals with analysis of image of woman in the selected works of Emile Zola. This work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical one. In the theoretical part there are definition of naturalism, desrciption of life and works of Emile Zola and progress&#x...

Rybová, Jolana
Karel Jaromír Erben a Rusko

Summary knowledges about activities of K. J. Erben of the context Czech-Russian relations in the 19th century.

Hrušková, Pavla
Levý břeh Seiny v Paříži

The main objective of this thesis is to define the meaning of the term "left bank of Seine in Paris". Paris is informally devided into Seina's left and right bank. While the right bank is perceived as conservative and business one, left bank is considered as...

Klásková, Petra
Tradice ruské svatby v porovnání s českou svatbou (sémantické a kulturologické hledisko)

The undergraduate thesis analyses and introduces customs and rituals of the Russian wedding to the reader. For understanding of individual wedding customs we are searching for identical and different elements in the wole wedding ritual in comparison with Czech-Russian plan. We compare t...

Mašková, Ivana
Ruské ikonové malířství

Bachelor's dissertation "Russian icon-painting" is occupies itself with characteristics of icons, their development, brief description of several icons and development of main centers of icon-painting, some of the important icon-painters and symbolism of icons.

Gulázsiová, Nikola
Synonymie a vyjádření záporných povahových vlastností

The main point of this work was to prove the richness of Russian language, it can be seen in possibilities in synonymic use of lexemes. There especially dominate the neutral examples. Colloquial words and words with reduced connotations are taken into account. The deciding fac...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 131