Diplomové práce / Theses (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 103
Kazda, Václav
Numerické modelování chlazení kontejneru na vyhořelé palivo

The diploma thesis is focused on the modeling and simulating of heat transfer in the insulated steel segment of the OS Škoda 440/84 container and free convection in its surroundings. The results were compared with a real experiment and more simulations were performed to m...

Abrhám, Vladimír
Studium vlivu modelové eroze náběžné hrany lopatky na strukturu proudění v úplavu metodou PIV

The thesis contains a description and experimental investigation of the effect of leading edge erosion using the PIV method. Three NACA 0012 airfoil models were manufactured using 3D printing, each with a different level of damage. These models were scanned and utilized for measure...

Hlaváč, Jiří
Dvoutělesová parní turbína malého výkonu

Goal of this diploma thesis is to design high speed steam turbine with three-axis gear box for refinery to match desired parameters. There are two modes in scope: condensate and extraction. Main focus of this thesis is reaching maximal thermal efficiency.

Frank, Jiří
Návrh systému chlazení a topení pro mlžnou komoru

This thesis contains the design of the cooling system of the cloud chamber. It includes the structural design of the visual space of the cloud chamber and the calculation of the cooling loop cycle with its economic evaluation. This cloud chamber is planned to be built...

Brčák, Jan
Vysokootáčková turbína s odpojitelným NT dílem

The aim of this thesis is to design a high-speed steam turbine with detachable LP part for specified parameters. The thesis includes the design procedure of the HP and LP part of the high-speed turbine, including strength calculations. The work includes a longitudinal section ...

Štejr, Michal
Analýza a návrh antivibračního opatření pro ukotvení venkovní jednotky TČ

This work addresses the issue of vibration spreading from the outdoor heat pump unit to the surroundings. It focuses on the connection between the unit and a bracket which is used for anchoring the unit. The aim is to verify the existing solution and, if neces...

Kubíková, Tereza
Energetické zařízení využívající odpadní teplo

Diploma's thesis suggests a suitable closed thermodynamic cycle for waste heat from a cement plant by using the alternative working fluids. A pair of closed working cycles is compared: supercritical CO2 cycle (sCO2) and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC). In the case of ORC, the ...

Koudelka, Václav
Střihací modul zařízení pro likvidaci čidel neutronového toku a termočlánků

The aim of this diploma thesis is to research the principles of material separation, types of incore instrumentation, principles of neutron flux sensors and thermocouples and design of a cutting module for neutron flux sensors and thermocouples.

Polanecká, Šárka
Suché chladicí věže pro tepelnou elektrárnu velkého výkonu

The diploma thesis deals with the design of a heat removal system for a large power plant in a continental climate with a limited amount of cooling water. The theoretical part presents the types of cooling of thermal power plants and the technological possibilities of the...

Voráček, Lukáš
Modely valivých ložisek pro CFD simulace v pohonných mechanismech

This master thesis describes methodology of CFD simulations of ball bearings. Four variations of geometry were made, and then they were discretized. Different approaches were tested together with different boundary conditions. In thesis an effect on losses in bearings&#x...

Vašíčková, Kateřina
Zařízení pro manipulaci s použitým jaderným palivem

This diploma thesis is focused on the handling of spent nuclear fuel in PWR type reactors. It transfers knowledge of the used storage conta-iners and disposal containers. The aim of this thesis is to design a handling machine for spent nuclear fuel including the calculation&#x...

Bém, Jindřich
Nestacionární výpočet evakuace VT dílu

The diploma thesis contains a theoretical description of adiabatic flow through the friction pipe. Describe the determination of the friction coefficient and the loss coefficient of local losses. A theoretical description of the ventilation in the steam turbine and a description of the&...

Kazda, Jakub
Modelování úloh s prouděním a sdílením tepla určených pro testování elektronických čidel

The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the modelling of fluid flow and heat transfer tasks for testing electronic detectors. The theoretical part deals with the research of electronic motion and smoke detectors and their testing. The practical part of this work wa...

Jeřábek, Matěj
Návrh systému svrchního chlazení elektromagnetického kalorimetru

The diploma thesis deals with a numerical simulations of flow in the cooling system of an electromagnetic calorimeter, namely by analysis of the temperature and pressure field. Two fundamentally different approaches were used to analyze the pressure field - analytical 1D calculation and...

Linhart, Matěj
Optimalizovaný návrh podlahy závodního vozu kategorie FSAE z hlediska aerodynamiky

The diploma sheet is focused on problem of influence of shape of the geometry of the undetrtray on aerodynamic characteristics of the car. Main topics are research of the systems, experimental measurement and design of the new undertray. Benefit of this diploma thesis is impro...

Kosiak, Pavlo
Numerické modelování transsonického proudění turbínovou lopatkovou mříží s plochým profilem

This diploma thesis contains numerical modeling of the flow in the blade channel created by turbine flat profiles. The blade cascade represents a bucked top section of the last stage for a low-pressure part of steam turbines working in a nuclear power plant. The commercial...

Pechman, Pavel
Vliv vodního rázu na potrubní sítě

The thesis focuses on different ways of calculation of water hammer occuring in pipeline networks. Specifically, it pursues the Joukowsky equation, graphical water hammer and method of characteristics. Its goal is to scout these methods and their application during simplified water hammer&#x...

Legát, Vojtěch
Rekonstrukce kondenzační turbíny na protitlakou

The thesis deals with a reconstruction of a turbine with condenser into a back pressure turbine. First of all the heat balance diagram (HBD) is calculated according to entered values. Based on the calculated HBD the flow part is designed and a basic strenght check is ...

Švejnoha, Marek
Proudění teplonosného oleje při předehřevu lisovací formy

The aim of the thesis is to analyse a flow and heat transfer of oil during preheating of a compression mould for injection moulding. The analysis was carried out by numerical simulation. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses fluid flow and heat transfer and&...

Hudec, Ondřej
Návrh parní turbíny pro spalovny odpadů

An analysis of specific requirements for functional units resulting from the application in incineration plant with emphasis on the steam turbine. Subsequently, design of two possible variants of steam turbines is made with identical boundary conditions, but different rotor speeds. Finally, ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 103