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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 123
Paitlová, Jitka
Stoletý solitér Hans Albert v kontextu evropské filosofie (nejen) 20. století

On the occasion of the hundredth birthday of an important proponent of critical rationalism, Hans Albert, this article maps the key moments of his intellectual development and above all outlines his relationship to selected philosophical currents of (not only) the twentieth century. Alb...

Fišerová, Nicole
Feyerabend’s Alternative Theories within Goodman’s Worldmaking

Kastnerová, Martina
Jak setkání se středoevropskými intelektuály podnítilo zájem Philipa Sidneyho o přírodní vědy: případ Carola Clusia

On his travels through Central Europe during which he became acquainted with several prominent intellectual figures, Philip Sidney (1554-1586) might have developed a growing interest in botany and medicine, disciplines that had begun to flourish during the period. I intend to shed light...

Kastnerová, Martina
Johannes Crato: zapomenutý mentor Philipa Sidneyho?

This article is focused on introducing of the manipulation system, which is used to insert equipment or measuring probes into the chamber of a cold crucible during experimental induction skull melting. The measuring probe could be, e.g., calorimeter for measuring heat flux from a&#...

Bílková, Jitka
Osvobození, vznik Československa, T. G. Masaryk a některé jeho myšlenky a ideály v tvorbě Franka Weniga

Frank Wenig was an important Pilsen regional personality, a writer, journalist and scenarist. His earliest literary activities started shortly after the establishment of Czechoslovakia. His literary works and journalistic career were influenced by Professor and later President Masaryk, whose opinions&...

Černá, Jana
Escribir las cartas, contar las historias naturales. Naturaleza novohispana en la correspondencia de los jesuitas de la Provincia de Bohemia (siglos XVII-XVIII)

Marvan, Tomáš , Polák, Michal
Generality and content-specificity in the study of the neural correlates of perceptual consciousness

The present paper was written as a contribution to ongoing methodological debates within the NCC project. We focus on the neural correlates of conscious perceptual episodes. Our claim is that the NCC notion, as applied to conscious perceptual episodes, needs to be reconceptualized. ...

Ševčík, Miloš
Význam humoru v kontextu úvah Louise Cazamiana

The study interprets and develops Louis Cazamian’s theory of humor. It presents the outlines of the theory, which was created in connection with Bergson’s general theory of the comic and his remarks on humor. In the process of zeroing in on Cazamian’s conception of the me...

Ševčík, Miloš
Afinita laskavosti a humoru v úvahách Louise Cazamiana

This article focuses on Louis François Cazamian’s considerations upon the relation between kindness and humour. At the outset, it is shown that in general, Cazamian’s concept of humour is inspired by Henri Bergson’s concept of what is perceived to be comic, as an automatism in...

Paitlová, Jitka
New Styles of Reasoning in Contemporary Philosophy and Science

The paper discusses the unexpected trends in the most modern forms of philosophy and science. The traditional differences in the roles of philosophy and science can be traced back to Kant: natural sciences refer to possible experience; philosophy as metaphysics does not affect expe...

Špiclová, Zdeňka , Kaše, Vojtěch
Distant Reading of the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John: Reflection of Methodological Aspects of the Use of Digital Technologies in the Research of Biblical Texts

The aim of this study is to demonstrate the applicability of selected methods of the so-called distant reading from the area of digital humanities for the interpretation of early Christian texts, specifically for approaching similarities and differences between the Gospel of Thomas and&...

Kočandrle, Radim
Země jako kosmické těleso v předsókratovské kosmologii

Interpretations of the Earth in Ionic archaic cosmologies usually revolve around the idea of it being a flat disc lying on water or air. In them, the Earth is also conceived as a concrete body situated in the space of the universe. However, due to the meteorological&...

Míchalová, Zdeňka , Kruntorád, Matěj
Madona velkomeziříčská mezi reformací a restaurováním

Tois study deals with the 'second life' of the Madonna of Velké Meziříčí, a gothic sculpture that originated in the second quarter of the 14th century and belongs to a body of work created by the Master of the Michle Madonna. Attention here f ocuses on two&#x...

Kočandrle, Radim
Infinite Worlds in the Thought of Anaximander

Ancient authors ascribe to Anaximander of Miletus a conception of infinite worlds. That could be interpreted to mean either coexistent or successive worlds, or even just changes within one world. However, various references to temporal cycles found in Anaximander correspond either to a&...

Kočandrle, Radim
Prostor pod Zemí v iónských archaických kosmologiích

Among the characteristic features of Ionic archaic cosmologies we can usually find, alongside a flat Earth, the meteorological nature of the heavenly bodies together with the fact that these bodies only orbit above the Earth. It is, however, possible to suppose that a further, ...

Kastnerová, Martina
Johannes Sambucus at the Imperial Court and His Ties to the Sidney Circle

Intellectual and literary circles, communities, and networks were a significant feature of Renaissance and early modern literary culture, playing a crucial part in nurturing intellectual communication and the circulation of knowledge. Moreover, the literary culture and intellectual circles of the ...

Stránský, Jiří
Karl Popper and the Method of Causal Explanation in Historical Sciences

In the beginning, let me state the three main aims of my thesis: 1) to explain Popper's method of causal explanation with special regard to its application in historical sciences; 2) to examine a debate which took place shortly after its publication in the field of&#x...

Jedlička, Petr
Against Grand Theories: A (Cautionary) Tale of Two Disciplines

In this paper, I combine an exposition of the historical development of sociology and the philosophy of science from the era of grand theories onwards, with an explication as to why the grand theories have failed. First, I trace some parallels in the history of each ...

Benda, Libor
Akademie, politika a akademie jako politika: Ke kritice „rozšířeného“ pojetí akademické svobody

There has been a significant growth of interest in the topic of academic freedom in recent years, predominantly with regard to the emergence of several new and unprecedented phenomena within the academic environment that allegedly threaten or directly undermine academic freedom both on&...

Papanikolaou, Elli
Walter Charleton’s Theory of Matter: How Politics and Scientific Societies Influenced his Works

This paper investigates how the politics and the scientific societies influenced Walter Charleton’s matter theory. Initially, the study refers to two different historical theories of analysis of Charleton’s theory of matter, explaining, through the analysis of his most well-known works, why ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 123