Edice pracovních textů Katedry sociologie / Series of working papers Department of sociology (KSS) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Stočes, Jiří , Váně, Jan
Proměny katolické religiozity tachovského okresu v uplynulých letech

Lužný, Dušan , Váně, Jan
Jak konceptualizovat náboženskou paměť?

Váně, Jan , Stočes, Jiří
The Tachov region and its religious memory: new Sudetenland or a home of failure?

This study focuses on the way the Catholic Church h as been functioning in the Tachov micro- region. We tried to explore what is the perception of the Church itself and of its activities in the region by three groups of key actors: Catholic ...

Hásová, Veronika
Where is it heading? : religion in late modernity in the Czech republic

The aim of this article is to demonstrate how religion—the set of traditions and the source of collective memory—is perceived in the Czech Republic by individuals with different levels of religiosity. The article concentrates on the way in which religion is perc...

Šafr, Jiří , Häuberer, Julia
Item battery for measurement of bridging social capital: the comparison of ISSP 2007 and CVVM 2007 datasets

This study introduces a simple tool for measuring Bridging Social Capital (referred to as BSC) by means of a battery of questions regarding the differences in the circle of friends. It was first used in the public opinion poll “Our Society 2007-04” (CVVM) and the&#...

Kouba, Karel
Konfigurativní analýza jako nový metodologický přístup ve volební geografii?: příklad analýzy volebního zisku KSČM v roce 2006

Zagata, Lukáš
Aplikace Q metodologie v sociologickém empirickém výzkumu: studie českého ekologického zemědělství

Kobes, Tomáš
Kmotrovství na východoslovenském venkově

This paper explores the godparentship in East Slovak countryside, and its interrelationship with the concept of family, kinship, and ethnicity. The godparetnship in East Slovak countryside is the base for the transformation biogenetically constituted family to the socially constituted...

Kreidl, Martin
Je volební chování v prvním kole senátních voleb ovlivněno vlastnostmi kandidátů?: ilustrace použití modelu diskrétní volby na datech z výběrového šetření

Voting behavior in the elections to the higher chamber of the Czech parliament (the Senate) is a rather unexplored phenomenon. This probably results from a variety of substantive as well as methodological reasons. Yet, there are many unanswered theoretical questions and untested hypothe...

Růžička, Michal
Časoprostorové a infrastrukturní aspekty procesu sociální exkluze

Váně, Jan , Kalvas, František
Catholic church in the Czech republic and public agenda setting: czech catolic church representatives interviews content analysis

In the following text, we talk about public agenda setting carried out by the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic. We start by analysing the relationship between the Church and the media and conclude the first part of the study by finding that media took ove...

Štípková, Martina
Closing at the bottom, opening at the top: trends in the educational homogamy of czech married parents over the past two decades

Assortative mating creates families, and these families have and raise children. Hence the pattern of status homogamy in a society has implications for the social standing of families and, as a consequence, for the intergenerational transmission of social status. To address this&...

Kobes, Tomáš
Identifikace a praxe homosexuálů ve východoslovenských romských osadách: možnosti využití diskurzivní analýzy při analýze coming out stories

This article focuses on the potential of discursive approach in analyzing of coming out stories in case of homosexuals and transexuals actors living in Eastern Slovakian Roma settlement, and on its possibility to reconstruct the ways of subjectivity and identification of ot...

Kreidl, Martin , Štípková, Martina
Tranzice do nesezdaného soužití a prvních koresidenčních svazků v současné ČR

The growing incidence of unmarried cohabitation has often been pointed out as one of the most remarkable changes in the behavior of the Czech population. Surprisingly, there is only indirect or outdated empirical evidence documenting this claim. We estimate the prevalence o...

Kreidl, Martin , Štípková, Martina , Hubatková, Barbora , Rabušic, Ladislav
Variations in the effect of parental breakup on children´s education

This paper explores variations in the negative effect of parental breakup on children’s chances to obtain a tertiary education, across contexts(countries and cohorts). We use data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey from 13 countries ...

Lužný, Dušan
Teorie racionální volby a sekularita

Kobes, Tomáš
"Naši Romové" - difrakční vzorce odlištnosti východoslovenského venkova: příspěvek k problémům překladu

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17