Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 841 až 860 z 945
Donate, Kateřina
Cesta ke vzniku samostatného státu Izrael

The work characterizes the establishment of Israel as a formal state in 1948. The work deals with the Zionist movement, its development and consequences. The work describes the main goals of the main leaders of the Zionism. It describes the first world war, the British ma...

Ratajová, Soňa
Stranický systém Italské republiky od revoluce soudců do současnosti

The aim of this work is to describe - in the most possible complex way - the formation of Italian party system in the years 1994 - 2008. It is also solved the question of the type of party system according Duverger, Blondel, Sartori and Mair.

Kojanová, Pavla
Mezinárodní finanční instituce a jejich působení při postkonfliktní rekonstrukci

The tragedies of intervention in Somalia, Former Yugoslavia or Angola in 1990s led to change and reassess the attitudes of international community to these conflict countries and the post-conflict efforts in these countries.Therefore the international communities, NGOs and international financial ...

Kuličová, Jana
Kanadské zájmy v oblasti Arktidy perspektivou politické geografie

The ongoing transformation of the Arctic region has shaped political agenda of neighboring countries. There are five dominant state actors, who have significant interests in the area of Arctic. This bachelor thesis tries to reflect interests of Canada, using perspective of political geo...

Holá, Jana
Turecko jako kandidát vstupu do Evropské unie

The relationship of the EU and Turkey is very complicated and there are many particularities. Turkey is connected with the EU for more than 50 years. Nevertheless it has never become a member. The objective is to present a discussion concerning the EU and to summarise...

Kroutilová, Michala
Vztahy Austrálie/Kanady a Velké Británie (po roce 1930) - komparace

The thesis is focused on the evolution of british-australian and british-canadian relations. The main aim is to compare these two bilateral relations and to find out the differences and similarities. My hypothesis is that these two bilateral relations have been influenced by national&#x...

Habart, Radek
Selhání konsociační demokracie v Československu

The thesis deals with the failure of consociational democracy in Czechoslovakia after 1989. At first the thesis describes the theoretical model of consociational democracy of the political Arend Lijphart. It´s about his characteristics and traits which are necessary for successful operation ...

Kulík, Jakub
Svět bez jaderných zbraní - realita či utopie?

The idea of the world without nuclear weapons is hardly a new one. New incentive to this idea was given by US president Obama in his Prague speech in which he appealed for creation of the world without nuclear weapons and confirmed the commitment of reducing US...

Firerová, Lucie
Extrémně pravicové strany ve středovýchodní Evropě - komparace České republiky, Slovenské republiky a Maďarska

The theme of this bachelor thesis is extremely right-wing parties (according to terminology work rather right-wing) parties in three countries of Central Europe. This is particularly the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The work is divided into three main thematic sections. The fir...

Dudycha, Petr
Instituce opozice Jejího Veličenstva

This thesis will explore the phenomenon of ?political opposition.? This is a well known and understood concept in both democratic and non-democratic regimes alike. For the purpose of this thesis, it is necessary to describe the opposition in democracy and to undertake a deeper ...

Janků, Dagmar
Rusko a západní kultura

The objective this theis was to evaluate the influence of west culture on Russia.Petr Great opened a window to Europe to Russia.Slavophils dealt in particular with religion issues in and West was bad for them. Accorfing westernem Russia should undergo the same development as&...

Matějková, Jana
Alternativní projekty vůči NATO

The end of World War II divided Europe into four spheres of influence. While Western countries were providing support for reconstruction of devastated Europe, the Soviet Union began to spread communist ideology and influence. The United States could not afford to leave Europe on&#x...

Medvěd, Pavel
Sport jako nástroj zahraniční politiky státu.

The aim of my work is to introduce sport as a tool of country´s policy. Theory is based on soft power and there are two examples suporting this concept. These examples are the boycotts of olympic games in 1980 and 1984, which are discussed in detail.

Šesták, Jan
Istrie jako transhraniční region v historii a současnosti.

Istria as a trans-boarder region is the geopolitical whole, where there have been many forms of political organization. These forms are reflected in today's ethnic composition and in demarcation of national borders. In today's integrated Europe, with its efforts to overcome historica...

Kůrková, Tereza
Tea Party Movement

The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the attitude of the Tea Party Movement towards the foreign policy of the United States of America and to decide the direction of the development regarding the division into Palinites and Paulites. Palinites and Paulites are the b...

Nováková, Karolina
Předválečný vývoj v SSSR - budování totality?

My final thesis record period of development of socialist Russia in first half of the 20th century. The thesis find reply to questions about prewar Russia and its totalitarian regime. The introduction of thesis describes main theme of my final thesis and its definition a...

Hulec, Pavel
Problémy globalizace v postamerickém světě

The theme of this paper is growing role of China in Africa through development aid and its consequences. The main aim of this work is to confirm the thesis, that Chinese development aid is resulting in fostering authoritarian regimes in Africa, which can be viewed as ...

Mašková, Kateřina
Společná zahraniční a bezpečnostní politika EU pod vlivem Lisabonské smlouvy

The objective of this work is to analyse the influence of changes, brought by the Treaty of Lisbon, on cooperation among the members of the European Union (EU) in the field of common foreign and security policy (CFSP). Intergovernmental cooperation is established as fundamental...

Švec, Pavel
Integrační procesy v postsovětském prostoru

The aim of this work is the analysis of the processes of international integration and regionalism in the post-Soviet area delineated by the territories of successor states to the USSR in Central Asia. This, in many respects, specific region belongs, within geopolitical processes a...

Kýtová, Kateřina
Evropeizace stranických systémů zemí střední Evropy

The thesis deals wih the impact of europeanisation process on party systems of Central European parties and it consists in the evaluation based on the application of the concepts elaborated by R. Ladrech., P. Taggart, A. Szczerbiak, N. Contiho and L. Verzichelli.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 841 až 860 z 945