Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 106
Maříková, Ludmila
Návrh větrné elektrárny

The bachelor's thesis is focused on the design of wind turbines and the conditions for the construction. The first part is mentioned the history of wind energy, and then the description of what is wind energy and how can we use it today. In the second part w...

Bošek, Lukáš
Zabezpečení fotovoltaické elektrárny

This bachelor thesis deals with security photovoltaic power plants. The aim of this work is the first general outline of security risks of photovoltaic power plants, further clarify existing legislation for securing objects, parsing the available mechanical barriers and security systems, inc...

Máša, Martin
Využití tepelných čerpadel pro vytápění v bytových domech

The present thesis deals use of heat pumps for heating in residential houses. In first part is described principe of heat pumps, its primary portion and main parameters. Then there are compared heat pumps with other heating methods, particularly with central heat supply. In&#...

Tóthová, Hana
Energetické zásobení rodinného domu kogenerační jednotkou

Submited bachelor thesis deals with solution of energetic evaluation of a family house and with a propose of convenient cogeneration unit. The convenience of placement of cogeneration unit to a family house is evaluated according to economical evaluation after 15 years of operation.

Kalina, Nikolas
Energetické využití řeky Vltavy

The bachelor thesis is focused on the energy use of the Vltava river. The aim is to present a certain overview to give an idea of water energy processing. The thesis is divided into four main topics. The first part is focused on hydroelectric power plants. The s...

Maříková, Petra
Aplikace tepelných čerpadel

This propounding bachelor work is focused on an application of a heating pump. In the first part is general characteristic of heating pumps. In the second part is presented a synoptic analysis of market with heating pumps including of basic legislative requirements. In the las...

Hejtmánková, Petra
Návrh energeticky soběstačné ekofarmy

The bachelor thesis is focused on renewable energy sources and their use in design of energetically self-sufficient eco farm. At the beginning of this work is to theoretically clarify the issue of those renewable energy sources that could be used for this farm design. Next...

Ebrlová, Daniela
Možnosti recyklace fotovoltaických panelů

The theme of the thesis is "Options of recycling of the photovoltaic panels." Thesis deals with the recycling of photovoltaic panels at the end of it's life. The first part contains the development of the panels in the Czech Republic and within foreign countries ...

Sedláčková, Tereza
Zhodnocení potenciálu solární energetiky

This bachelor thesis is focused on analysis of solar energy potential. First, the utilization of solar energy and the appliances which make use of sunlight are described. Next, the thesis deals with analysis of natural, technical and legislative conditions and requirements in the C...

Velleková, Martina
Zhodnocení využití hydroenergetického potenciálu na horním toku Úhlavy

The submitted bachelor's thesis is focused on exploiting the hydropower potencial of the upper flow of the river Úhlava. It is also focused on water manegment condition in the present and the past. The last part of this bachelor's thesis contains the design of water&#x...

Timofiejev, Tomáš
Technologie pro energetické využití odpadů

The aim of this bachelor work is to clarify the are of energy utilization of waste. The first part describes the technologies of energy utilization of waste. Next there is described a distribution of devices used to utilize the waste and the principle how they work. ...

Truhlář, Lukáš
Využití Trombeho stěny a tepelného čerpadla

The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to evalute the use of Trombe's wall and heat pump. The thesis presents basic principle of Trombe's wall and heat pump, their advantages and disadvantages. Evaluation is made by proposals of Trombe's wall and heat pump, which ...

Šafaříková, Martina
Tuhá alternativní paliva a jejich využití

This bachelor thesis focuses on addressing the use of alternative fuels in the energy sector, specifically for solid alternative fuels. It highlights the problem of non-renewable resources and offering a possible way solid alternative fuels. But also presents problems of its production ...

Sauer, Filip
Řizení světelných efektů audio signálem

This bachelor work describes the design and the realization of lighting effects-driven audio signal, called color music. information needed for realization is summarized, possible ways of the realization and properties of frequency filters. Sallen-Key filters are chosen and designed according&#x...

Brabec, Jan
Separace plastových materiálů s využitím free-fall elektrostatického separátoru

Submetted thesis is focused on plastic of separation using a free-fall separator. For the purpose of this thesis the experimental equipment was used. The verification of the deflection of particular plastic particles and assessment of possibilities during separation of twocomponent mixtures ...

Němeček, Ondřej
Rozvoj obnovitelných zdrojů energie v ČR

This thesis is focused on the developement of renewable energy in the Czech Republic. Effort will be to create some (certain) overview, which can be used as introduction into this issue. This thesis is divided into 5 main topics according to the character of renewable ene...

Zlámal, Martin
Návrh a realizace real-time komunikace pro senzorickou síť s webovou řídicí aplikací

The main task of this thesis is to solve the real-time communication between the sensory network and the web based application. It is achieved by using standard communications TCP and UDP. The main component of this thesis is JavaScript server with Redis database which provide...

Vondráček, Patrik
Přístroj pro verifikaci základních signálů

This thesis procesess the design and realization of a device, which allows the measurement of basic electric signal parameters. The output ammounts the information of frequency, amplitude, medium and effective value. The thesis also compiles basic methods of analog signal digitization.

Vršanský, Pavel
Nakládání s nemocničním odpadem ve vybraném zdravotnickém zařízení

Disposal of hospital waste is governed by current legislation. We have to remember that this is in most cases a waste, for which we pay special handling requirements and subsequent disposal. The aim is to outline waste from hospitals, methodology management of these wastes and...

Kraus, Petr
Nakládání s obaly a obalovými odpady

The bachelor thesis is devoted to current trends in packaging technology, it describes various types of packages and materials used. It also deals with ways of using, recycling and disposal of packaging waste. In the last part of the work there are some suggestions how to...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 106