Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 112 z 112
Půlpán, Pavel
Provoz parních turbin ŠKODA v paroplynovém cyklu

This thesis focuses on the operation of steam turbines Skoda in steam-gas cycle and its aim is primarily to acquaint the reader with the basic principles and practices to the turbine ran from idle to rated speed, phasing to the network, what is important to monitor d...

Pelc, Vít
Experimentální vyšetření závislosti povrchového napětí podchlazené vody měřeného elevační metodou na průměru kapiláry

In the first part of the bachelor work, there is processed research. It describes briefly the methodology of different measure of the surface tension liquids, which are performed in the past. In the second part of bachelor work, there is a description how the capillary-rise&#x...

Kabát, Miroslav
Experimentální vyšetření možnosti sušit vzduch pomocí vírové trubice

This thesis is about principle drying air and about possibility drying air by the vortex tube. It describes basic principles and construction of vortex tube and problems with the usage of the device. Main part is analysis of the measured values.

Havránek, Jan
Přehled metod výroby vodíku

Bachelor thesis deals with hydrogen production. The thesis summarizes the most perspective methods of hydrogen production comparable with nuclear reactor. The next part of the thesis is thermal calculation of heat exchanger, molten salt - sulfuric acid.

Janouškovec, Pavel
Vliv vibrací na přestup tepla v mezikruhovém kanálu

Bachalor sheet is based on problematic of vibration. Teoretic results will be experimentaly check on the model of fuel segment. The purpose of these experiments will be find influences on flow caused by vibration. Vibration frequency will act indirectly on coefficient a. My goal&#x...

Zajíc, Jan
Aerodynamické vazební síly na příčně obtékanou trubkovou řadu

This thesis focuses on the problematic of aerodynamic binding forces on pipe line with a transverse airflow, which simulates pipe condenser. The thesis includes the experimental device description and theoretical part, which clarifies the preparatory experiments. The experimental part and the...

Vorel, Jaroslav
Experimentální vyšetření odtržení proudu od stěny v difuzoru

Theoretical part is processed for successful realization of the experiment in this thesis. It includes the boundary layer theory and flow separation, the principle of the experimental device called diffuser and theory of the measurement of velocity by method PIV. Then there is desc...

Vejvoda, Jaroslav
Vyrovnání trubkové řady při měření v proudícím vzduchu

The bachelor experimental study deals with the cross flown tube cascade with two tubes movable whereas the other are stiff. The goal of the experimental work is elimination of static displacements of the movable tubes in order to secure basic position of all tubes ...

Fořtl, Jan
Průmyslová převodovka s vnějším chlazením

The objective of this thesis is to attest the possibility of cooling an industrial gearbox using natural circulation or circulaton provided by a pump. The sponsor of thesis topic is the industrial enterprise Vítkovice MKV. Another goal is to calculate the heat transfer for app...

Jílek, Jan
Návrh výměníku tepla (deskový výměník z grafitových kompozitů - typ sůl - sůl, vstupní teplota 720°C)

This work deals with the properties of the liquid silicon infiltrated graphite composite, with the properties of molten salts. Obtained knowledges lead to the choice of the materials for design the heat exchanger.

Waldmann, Václav
Stanovení hodnot hladiny akustického tlaku hluku vyzařovaného tepelným čerpadlem vzduch - voda ve vybraných místech

The Bachelor thesis includes data from measuring of the value of the sound pressure level of a heat pump and their evaluation. Next it describes properties of sound, a device for measuring of the noise and description of the measuring and protocol of measuring of the ...

Síťař, Vladislav
Návrh a realizace experimentálního zařízení pro měření tlakových ztrát

This Bachelor thesis deals with the design of the laboratory stand for measurement of pressure losses. The problem of pressure losses with their measurement is described. Next, circuit design and analytical calculation of pressure losses are performed. In the closing part, measured valu...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 112 z 112