Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 112
Löfler, Martin
Vyhodnocení experimentálního měření na motoru TS-20

This bachelor thesis dissert on experimental device TS-20, which is based on small aircraft jet engine. In this thesis is analyzed a construction of the experimental device. Next is described measuring system and how to measure on experimental device. In this thesis is designed...

Ivanin, Aleksandr
Stanovení koncepce parního oběhu a jeho omezení vlastnostmi solí demonstrační jednotky MSR 50 MW

This thesis deals with the topic of the properties of MSR systems, their main priorities, and forms of use. The thesis contains an analysis of a steam generator. This thesis describe the properties of salts, which can also be used as coolants. The inlet pressure of t...

Müller, Patrik
Návrh modelového zařízení pro měření ztrát při průchodu kapaliny mezi kulovými elementy

In the introductory part of this thesis, the reader is being introduced into the problem of nuclear reactors fueled by spheric cells. The next part is focused on similar experiments and on the way of fuel change. Then follows the theory of spheric elements' organization&#x...

Pašek, Ladislav
Aerodynamické vazby protékaných turbinových profilů v řadě

This thesis focuses on the aerodynamic coupling forces in the blade cascade which simulates the top part of the steam turbine of an output of 1000 MW. It includes description of the experimental facilities and theoretical section about preliminary measurements. The goal is to ...

Kortán, Pavel
Konstrukční řešení kinematiky mechanismu natáčení lopatek rotoru ventilátoru

This bachelor thesis contains overview of how to control the fan. There are comparing different types of mechanisms for variable pitch fan blades. The next section describes four designs mechanisms, one of which is selected and constructed. In the last part is the strength ana...

Pavlíček, Petr
Vyšetření vlastností injektoru pára - voda

This thesis is about simplified calculation and numerical simulation of a steam-water injector. Such device is considered for rapid heating of water in a tank, while it also fulfills function of a pump. The thesis presents use of simplified calculation for verification of fun...

Hůlka, Petr
Odvod tepla ze solného reaktoru s akcentem na využití U-Th cyklu

The main topic of bachelor thesis is the cooling technology of reactors working with molten salts MSR which are the part of Generation IV reactors. In the first part of the work there is described the evolution of these reactors to the current state. In the sec...

Němeček, Jiří
Porovnání kompresorového a absorpčního chladícího stroje z hlediska účinnosti

This bachelor thesis contains a suggestion for a device for cooling capacity of 600 kW - in compressor and absorption design, the comparison of various options including the technical specifications, then the calculation of the efficiency and the final consideration of the amount o...

Hurda, Lukáš
Tepelné ztráty parního potrubí

This thesis deals with materials for piping thermal insulation for common purposes. Work includes description of methods for solving heat losses of steam pipeline depending on the piping's planting type. One of the goals is to build a program for computing of the optimal t...

Sova, Jan
Náhrada ocelového potrubí plastovým potrubím

Bacheor work contains research of plastic materials for industrial pipelines, design of plastic pipeline in two material variants, calculation of pressure loses and comparison of theese looses with steal pipeline of same nominal diameter.

Schmidt, Filip
Návrh malé vodní elektrárny

This thesis deals with necessary steps and attached problems during the Small hydro power plant design. The thesis concerns necessary fields for successful realization. It also contains research of the turbines, performance calculation, various designs and their economic summary. This thesis ...

Fenderl, David
Experimentální vyšetření aerodynamických vazeb při torzním kmitání mezi lopatkami v přímé mříži

This thesis focuses on the problematic of aerodynamic coupling forces and moments on blade line in an airflow, which simulates top profiles of rotor blades of a steam turbine. The thesis includes existing partial measurements on an experimental device, but also the course of t...

Horák, Jan
Experimentální vyšetření aerodynamických vazeb při suvně krutovém kmitání lopatek v přímé mříži

The thesis is focused on problematic of oscillation of the airfoil cascade, which is flowed around by flowing air. The airfoil cascade is model of the profiles of the rotor?s blues. The blues were excited by electric current and the influence on the other blues was m...

Uher, Jan
Setrvačné, útlumové a pružné vazební síly v trubkové řadě příčně obtékané

This thesis goes on an previous effort to define all of aerodynamic binding coeficients on cascade of dummies which simulates pipe condenser. Goal of thesis is to develop measurement procedure, design of experimental device, realize preparing measurement and couple of one-dimensional excitat...

Kováč, Rudolf
Technologie chlazení vysokoteplotního jaderného reaktoru roztavenými solemi (AHTR)

The topic of my bachelor thesis is the cooling technology of the nuclear high temperature reactor with liquid salt (AHTR). In the first part of my work a research of the current situation in the development of one of the nuclear reactor of 4th generation has been...

Vach, Lukáš
Návrh separátoru bublin pro čištění MSR směsi solí od plynných štěpných produktů a modelu pro jeho verifikaci

This Bachelor thesis describes the problems with MSR neutron poisons which are formed during the fission, and their separation. Thesis also contains three designs of bubbles separator. One design was chosen and processed into drawings by using Autodesk Inventor 2012. Another section des...

Kalista, Robert
Experimentální vyšetření vlastností syntetizovaného paprsku

Presented work contains knowledge to carry out experimental measurement of synthetic jet. Experiment is explained and deals with investigation of velocity field over time. Furthermore, structure, characteristics, parameters of synthetic jet are examined for different frequencies. For measurement, three...

Kollross, Petr
Termodynamický cyklus heliem chlazeného reaktoru IV. generace

My task is to create possible construction proposals for present and future gas cooled nuclear power plants. I summarize, compare and evaluate possible work cycles. Next task is to summarize work gases which will serve as refrigerant in these cycles. Furthermore I create Brayton&#x...

Netík, Rudolf
Návrh pulzačního motoru

A pulse jet engine was very important step in history of jet engines. The pulse jet has interesting physical function. Therefore the aim of my report is to design functional pulse jet engines. The body of this report is creating overview of technologies and fuel use. ...

Půtová, Andrea
Projektová studie experimentální smyčky

This Bachelor Thesis dealing with design of experimental loop. Document consists of four main parts. The first part is about construction solution of the whole equipment. In the next part is designed centrifugal pump that will ensure liquid circulation inside the loop. Other part&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 112